(no subject)

Apr 05, 2007 23:41

...and so my first week of classes in my fourth quarter at AIOC come to an end.

MONDAY--Image Manipulation (AKA easy "A" #1). How to use Photoshop to, well, photoshop. Taught by the same instructor from Computer Applications, and I suspect that this class will be just as boring as that one. Oh, and we're working on Macs, so I have to train myself to use the Apple key, since shift, control, and alt aren't good enough, they have to remind you that you are using an Apple computer, just in case you forget. Oh, and it's fucking cold. The lab, which is already freezing on account of it being a lab, is extra freezing on account of it sharing the same air-conditioning system with the culinary arts kitchen. I'll be spending my Monday afternoons bundled up like an Antarctic researcher and fighting to stay awake while Gil drones on about stuff I taught myself to do ten years ago.

WEDNESDAY--My long day. First, there is Critical Thinking, which I have had before at Cypress College (if only I passed my classes...). The teacher is young and pretty cool, and my discussion group consists of the most eclectic kids you'll ever see outside of a Molly Ringwald movie.

The second class on Wednesday is Story Writing. Out of all the bullshit classes I took this quarter, this was the one I was looking forward to the most. So of course it promises to be the most boring out of all my classes, due mainly to the monotone and utterly uninteresting professor. At least in Image Manipulation I have a computer to play with; in Story Writing, I have only the dark recesses of my mind to retreat to. And since he has promised lots of group work in class, even that won't save me.

THURSDAY--College Algebra (AKA Easy "A" #2). Never thought I'd say that about a math class, but this is math that I've taken many times before. I just never chose to stick through the entire class and actually pass it. I'd really like to go back in a time machine and kick my own ass sometimes. The teacher is young and fairly entertaining; she bumped a desk yesterday and said "I almost died just now." I thought of alisnwonderland but didn't have time to text her. Unfortunately, she is requiring us to keep a notebook full of notes taken in class to turn in at the end of the quarter, so I can't do what I did in my last math class and just spend the entire session doing that night's homework.


In lieu of Court this week, several of us went to Maggie's Pub for dinner and drinks. A few of us went to Cerritos afterward to see E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial on the big screen. It's amazing how powerful that movie is even after all these years. It took everything I had not to cry at the end of it. I could have done without all of the "special edition" bullshit, though. A non-CG E.T. was good enough for me in 1982, dammit, and it's good enough for me now! The gun/walkie-talkie thing was simply ridiculous, especially since there are guns in the opening scene and people are actually fucking shooting at E.T. Why is that okay but to see them holding the guns nonthreateningly is not? Whatever.

movies, school, life, aokp

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