Normally, one would think that with an extra-long holiday weekend, I would have a lot more to update. However, since I don't really have any family to speak of out here, and the vast majority of my friends do, I spent a lot of the holiday weekend at home. Plus, with my current schedule, I have Thursdays and Fridays off anyways. :)
As was to be expected, there was no AOKP Thursday night. I don't remember what I did on Thursday besides eat and sleep; I may have played some World of Warcraft.
Friday, I tried getting someone to go see a movie with me, but to no avail. I think I played World of Warcraft that night as well.
Saturday, I did get out to see a movie (The Fountain) with
teacherriki. It was a good movie, although a bit of a downer.
Sunday was Privy.
Last night was D&D.
Next weekend is Zandobar! I'm excited about this for some strange reason. Any excuse to dress up and be social, I guess. Sadly, the other event that would have involved those two things--
mistressprime's Yule Tea Party, was moved to the same night as Zandobar. Sadness. :(