In school, a friend (Olga) of my best friend (Maria), joined my honey, his friend, Maria and me for lunch. We were talking about useless stuff like, how lately it's been smelling like pot in some places around campus, (apparently people are stupid enough to smoke close to school, even though there's security and police driving by all day, since we are in the downtown area) when out of nowhere Olga brought up the subject about having kids. I really didn't want to talk about this because I really hate kids, I can't stand them, the only kid I like is my niece and that's only because she is my niece, if she wasn't then I wouldn't like her either. But I guess she didn't believe me and told me that everyone want to have a kid at some point of their life. I agreed that it might be true, but that the me right now doesn't want to have kids because I don't like them and that if I wanted to have a kid at some point, then I would choose to adopt. My best friend and my honey weren't surprised since I've told them the same several times before, honey's friends wasn't paying attention.
Up to here the conversation was going ok, but I think Olga didn't like my answer again, because immediately she said that I "should be ashamed of my decision to adopt." Usually, I get upset rather easily but today I tried to keep the rage inside because we were in school, so I asked her as nicely as I could "why I should be ashamed?" And she starts "because there's so many women out there who would love to have kids but are unable to, and even though you can, you would rather adopt that to give life to another being. If you are going to do that then that gift is being wasted in you............"
I always laugh at those scenes where some characters is getting angrier and angrier and when he/she is about to snap, everyone around just goes silent and prepares for something horrible to happen. Maria, honey and his friend were like that, they just started looking at me, I guess they were waiting for me to break her neck or something. But surprisingly enough, I was still calm, so told her that "I don't really care about whether other people can have kids or not, but if that person really wants to have a kid, giving birth to it, is not a necessity because a blood relation is not what makes a family. I guess giving birth does make you feel closer to your son or daughter, but that bond you have with each other isn't created by genetics but by a mutual understanding and by being together with each other through different obstacles. Thinking that you can only care about a kid that was born from you is awfully closed minded and plain stupid, because you're denying some kid, that doesn't have anything, the possibility of being saved from living on inhumane conditions and gaining a family that will care for him." I was expecting her to try and think deeply about my response but apparently she is quite thick headed because she still kept going about the women who can' t have kids and about how "people who think like me and people who have abortions are being selfish." By this time I was quite fed up with her bullshit and the fact that she brought up abortion pissed me off even more, so before I snapped completely I just told her that "I care more about a kid lives in a country that doesn't give him/her any rights as a human, than about some woman, who has a roof over her head and food on her table, but can't have a kids."
I understand that some people have opinions that they want to voice, I'm like that but when they start attacking someone else just because they don't share those opinions, then they really need to shut up and start thinking about why they are so closed minded.
I don't even know this person and out of nowhere I'm getting attacked because I want to adopt, not only that, but she was also making the assumption that I'm able to have kids, something I don't even know if I can or can't do. This fucking conversation pissed me off so much, I had a headache for the remainder of school.
But I guess I should be proud of myself for not showing my anger, even though I wanted to slap her and call her an ignorant bitch. My honey and Maria were also surprised since they expected me to break her jaw or something. xD
But I really have to say this, because just remembering about it while writing this is making me upset again, I hope I don't see her again, otherwise I really am going to kick her ass if she get on my nerves again. ( o`・з´・)p