Ramblings + new vid

Mar 05, 2010 21:17

Feeling better now, more or less. Like, 95%ish? I guess? Not well enough to go downtown for 'Alice In Wonderland', sadly (omg long bus ride + metro = so not going to help me recuperate, ugh), but since my mom wants to see it (Depp fan, not Wonderland fan ;P) we might go together on Sunday. Preferably not in 3D tho, since neither of us can stand those glasses, especially over our actual glasses ^^;;

Speaking of (kinda), I really want my copy of 'Alice' to come in... DVD came out the 2nd in the U.S. but apparently not here? That or nobody has it, at any rate, so I had to order it from Amazon and hopefully it will come in next week but I would really like to have it now ;___; (there are extended scenes! in the movie! they are on YT but it's not the same and I want to watch them ;________;)



On the plus side, I did manage to go back to Chapters the other day (after calling to confirm they actually did have the book available and in their hands and not in a box in the underworld of whatever back) and just finished reading it about an hour ago. So good~ want more~~ (next year... *sniff* not that I don't have enough other books to read in the meantime, but you know >.>)

Oh, going back to 'Alice', that reminds me, I made another fanvid XD (what? it's fun!) And this one is actually shippy too :O (I apologize in advance for the song, tho, if you watch it-- it's a guilty pleasure, but almost sure to stick in your head whether you like it or not >.>)

image Click to view

Yes, that's right, it's Lady Gaga. Please don't judge me. Or, judge me if you must, but please still be my friend anyway ^^;

-so this was my first attempt at 'shippy'-- even tho there is a bit of that in the BH vid too, that one was mostly character-centered, and their relationships played a huge part in their storylines. And while 'Alice' does have quite a bit going on in the romance dept. there's still other stuff going on too. in this video, tho? not so much, lol. the rest of the story went bye-bye, it's just a video about the Jack/Alice/Hatter love triangle. go me? XD
-ALP is very, very pleasant to vid. Teh pretty, I like it *g*
-tried to play around more with effects this time, tho turns out that sadly there's stuff that imovie just can't do, tho it's still pretty awesome regardless and easy to use, which is great for someone like me who's just starting out with this (just starting out? where do i think i'm going, exactly? lol) I attempted that flashing effect I sometimes see in other vids, and which I think is pretty cool, but it came out as pretty amateurish and possibly seizure-inducing, so i made it go away o.o did some other stuff and found out how to play around with the colors to make some of the scenes brighter/darker, depending. Nothing really fancy, but you know what? I don't need fancy. Using lots of effects just for the hell of using them doesn't necessarily make a better video. Granted, something like 'Alice' feels like it should have some kind of trippy-ness going on somewhere cause, well, Alice in Wonderland, right? So I tried and while it's not amazing in terms of effects, I think it turned out ok. I'm actually really pleased with my timing of certain clips to either certain lyrics or certain beats of the music, as that's something I tend to appreciate in others' vids. some instances took a while to get right and others were happy accidents, which is always nice.
-was actually pretty nervous about posting this one, since the 'Alice' fandom is pretty big, or at least, it seems that way. at any rate, i managed to find the courage to crosspost it to a few comms and it's done quite well so far, so I am both pleased and very relieved ^^

Wow, I really ramble a lot about those things XD Thank you for your patience if you made it through that *bows*

Yeah... I'm in a weird mood, I dunno ^^;

(ahahaha, the 'weird' mood icon is amazing, i love it XDDD)

Alright, I should probably end this here before I manage to scare ppl/embarrass myself further...

alice, videos, i am a dork, books, fandoms, vidding, rl, alp

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