
Mar 02, 2010 16:14

Woke up way too early yesterday morning feeling sick-- light-headed, nauseous, all that fun stuff-- so ended up spending the day in bed, unable to eat much of anything, or do much of anything since I was so tired from having being up so early. Lovely way to start the month, huh? Not sure if it's what my sister had a couple of weeks ago (tho if it was, I didn't get it from her) but I seem to be better today. Enough to go out, anyway, even if it did end up being pretty much for nothing. Speaking of which:

Dear stores,

If something has a release date, it should be on the shelves on that date. Not in a box in the back somewhere which you are unable to find. Also, if something's advertised on your website but you have no idea what it even is, that is not a good thing. Srsly, ppl, do your flipping jobs or at least get your info straight. Argh.

No love,


(I know, I know, silly things to get worked up over, but c'mon... I still wasn't feeling 100% and I still went out anyway, for two things and two things only, neither of which could be found >< Is that really too much to ask?)

made of fail, rl

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