Can Hedgehogs Teleport?

Oct 22, 2015 09:14

I've been fiddling with the camera settings for weeks now trying to cature more than just Pog's bum or a blurry face and failing. I was only getting one trigger a night too even though I was sure Pog was walking in front of the camera more often. Feeling frustrated I decided to test the camera on Eric and Ernie, so last night I left it in front of thier pens.
I expected maybe a handful of triggers if the camera was functioning correctly.
I got 62 triggers between 9pm and 6am! XD'
No wonder they sleep so much in the day, they are racing around all night LOL.
Not only have I checked the camera is working but I have solved the mystery of what guinea pigs get up to at night!

Unfortunatly that means I have anothet mystery to solve though.
The hedgehog restaurant has one way in and out. Whenever I position the camera on the entrance it triggers to show Pog going in but I've never had it trigger to show Pog coming out again.
I know he's not just waiting inside to be fed more.
So my conclusion so far... Pog can teleport.
It's the only rational answer. XD'

Last night Pog didn't come to the restaurant at all. But I think he ate his mealworms by the hog house. Maybe he's full enough and getting sleepy as he's not been eating as much lately.

eric, wildlife, mystery, pog, cavy, camera trap, nature, guineapig, pets, garden, ernie, hedgehog, guinea pigs

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