May 01, 2004 09:33
today i guess is eventful. today i plan to go from ashley's to the el marino children's day festival. even though i really don't feel like it. and then i plan to come unexpectedly to the el marino reunion where some of my favorite and least favorite people will be and of course i am really happy because i get to see ali i hope. and i get to see erica. i haven't seen her in a really lond time. i'm looking forward to seeing them. hopefully someone won't get in a fuss and get all immature and whine and complain and stuff. because ashley's laugh isn't retarded. i mean come on?! like everyone may sound funny or dumb when they laugh but like yeah, every pretty much sounds equally dumb and retarded i guess you could say. and then i might go tan with ashley on her roof because i slept over her house last night. it was fun. we watched mean girls, i liked it. and then yeah. a lot of people were there and norman this guy from the high school brought his tap shoes and was earning money to buy something like a ticket or ice cream or something by tap dancing for donations. that was interesting i guess you could say. and then thats about it. it was wierd and fun at the same time. and when i went to the movies, shaun seemed sad. i don't know i doubt she was sad but she just looked like it. and omg i can't wait for astro camp!!!!! i'm so excited all of us people who are total nerds who go to educational camps are gonna have so much oodles and poodles and bucket loads of F-U-N fun!!!!!! :D. yay. well thats all now. ashley is sitting behind me and i think she wants to use the computer well <3 you guys!!!! and someone please call me and give my life a little spice!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO *~ Hana ~*