Dec 31, 2010 05:56
I sort of did this already, but let's rehash:
Returned from Phuket, worked at LFS, went to Bangkok with Wellesley/Czech friends. Saw Andrew Bird and Cat Power. Optimistic about moving into an apartment.
Started a blog:
Planned a trip to Berlin, cancelled it and replanned a trip to London-Prague-Paris. Already mentioned this. It was a great and important trip. Saw Vampire Weekend. Saw snow in Prague. Made a new art-school friend. Went on a date in Paris with a guy in a leather jacket I picked up outside the falafel joint in Le Marais.
Contemplated moving to the UK, started actively going to "French club" parties,
Met L. (this was a Big Deal...closest thing to legitimate Jewish boyfriend since the age of 17! Unfortunately, it did not pan out for any number of reasons, but it was a valuable friendship for March-May.) Saw St. Vincent, The Go! Team and Au Revoir Simone.
Began swimming and doing more Jewishy things. Crashed an NYUTischAsia film party, and felt nostalgia for America.
Began imploding a bit. Did not travel, but read Norwegian Wood, which was ridiculously depressing. Fell out with L. Began gearing up for the summer and for my parents' move. There was no way to gear up for that, but let's just pretend I thought I was prepared.
Made a new friend.
Contemplated the other L for the millionth time in 2 years.
Finished up the second school year exhausted and relieved.
Did not update LJ, but went on a spree through America:
San Francisco, Chicago, New York, Boston, and DC
looking for a home. Liked things about San Francisco and New York. Gained a new appreciation for DC. Finally went to Tryst (w/ jilisham)
Left the country and thought I wouldn't be returning any time soon.
Saw an Old Friend. Thought I was in love. Visited London-Edinburgh-Paris.
Went crazy. Became broke. Cut trip short. Returned to Singapore.
Decided to become kosher.
Still crazy.
Super-excited about work and poetry.
Thought I was in love with L and that it was going to become a Thing.
Generally maintained kosherness through Yom Kippur.
Fell apart.
Still crazy.
Celebrated birthday with a lot of great food.
Saw Vampire Weekend AGAIN.
Began to contemplate Actually Leaving.
Led some services.
Started de-crazying. Stayed in town.
Attended an Indian-Malay Couchsurfer's wedding.
Exercised a lot.
Became an adult.
Basically de-crazied. Exercised a lot.
Went home for a week: saw some great theatre (Oklahoma! at Arena Stage) and some old friends. Saw flurries. Contemplated America again.
So, 2010 was a "speed-til-crash'n'burn" sort of year. Here's hoping that 2011 is on a more even keel. Trying to be less actively miserable, and more generally ambivalent/happy.
I think I'm ending this year slimmer, sadder (well, not sadder per se, but not nearly as Jazzed About Life), and poorer, but with good reasons for all three, which I think is an improvement.