(no subject)

Oct 02, 2010 21:30

note: when feeling low, do not read philip roth at any cost. Getting to pg 189 of American Pastoral cost me all of today and created a mental chasm into which I threw some emily dickinson, william stafford, and wallace stevens. if you know me at all, you know that throwing emily dickinson down a personal well is something I wouldn't do unless prodded intensely. she is a doilie woman. it takes a lot for me to invoke a doilie woman.

the only thing more dangerous than reading philip roth
is reading haruki murakami
or perhaps ernest hemingway.

anais nin, you can read.
nabokov, you can read.
zola, maybe you shouldn't, but you still could... I survived the end of therese raquin.
flaubert, go for it.

hornby, a-ok.
chabon, probably okay.

rand, you may not want to start on a low day.
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