Welcome to the Persona 3/3P/2/1 kink meme! The last one,
persona3kink, never seemed to take off, yet there are plenty of crossover requests at the P4 kink meme,
badbadbathhouse. With P3P's release, I thought now would be a good time to try again when interest is peaked ♥
Your mod is
shirakawastaff. You may send a PM or leave a comment here with any concerns and I'll get to it as soon as I can. We have a few simple rules:
1. This is a kink meme, and all kinks and ratings are welcome. If you don't like a particular kink, pairing, character, whathaveyou, that's fine - but keep it to yourself and don't read. NO KINK SHAMING.
2. If you make some requests, try to do some fills too! Obviously I can't make this a rule, but the kink meme will thrive if requests are consistently filled ♥
3. Play nice and be polite. Write!anons love to hear back from their OPs.
4. Please white-text spoilers (
how to white-text), or at least warn for them in your request's subject line.
5. As always, anonymous commenting will be enabled and IP logging will be disabled for requester and filler privacy, but please don't abuse this function.
That's it! Have fun :]