*does a little dance*

Aug 09, 2006 11:46

Aside from the little fact that it's that time of the month and it feels like a gremlin is trying to eat through my abdoman, today is a good day. I am having the most fun at work that I have had in months. I learned something new and I will soon be working on a much larger project. Woo hoo! I get to pretend I am intelligent and know what I am doing on the system.

I got a new laptop at Sam's Club for my trip to Japan for only $850. No tax either (yay for tax free weekend!). It is a SWEET computer. Mom is paid for half of it because it was her IOU as my b-day gift.

I am looking forward to this trip to Japan, but I am actually looking forward to graduating a little more. I'll either be continuing onto my Master's somewhere, or I will be starting my career with some company. More likely the former than the latter. If I got my cake and was able to eat it too, I'd get hired with a company that would pay for my masters. But we will see.

I have no regrets or complaints.

*dances to the song "M"*

PS Mario Cart is an awesome game!

Edit: this is hilarious and cute: Japanese Tea Commercial
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