(no subject)

May 20, 2007 11:29

Why do people always have to write pairings? Why doesn't anyone write gen these days?

Just today I was looking for fics about the deep friendship of Hector and Eliwood. And practically all I found was slash! It's even worse with Eliwood and Fiora. There's practically no gen for those two at all!

It's not limited to Rekka, either. Most of FE falls victim to this, where the gen is vastly outnumbered by the het, slash, and yuri.

Why can't two people be just friends?

are you stupid?, correct spelling and grammar warning, cry me a river, nazis are not gay, yuri is teh evol, anti-ship, my mailing address for gifts will follow, het is ewww, advice because we care, the path to salvation, logic, complain, die now, i hate all, but stop it, better than you, fire emblem, are you going to shut up?, yaoi is teh evol, what huh? i don't speak stupid, whine bitch moan, can't take this crap, attention whore

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