Lost - Upon Further Reflection

Feb 03, 2010 12:03

I have questions. (Yeah, I know. Who doesn't?)  But...
Where are they? I mean, I know we're seeing an alternate universe, but is it really, really an alternate universe? As in entirely separate from the one before, or is it the same universe rebooted and the island is a bubble inside/outside [dr who]timey-wimey[/dr who] bubble inside it?

Did the nuclear bomb go off in 1977 then sink the island, and everything from that point in time is different, but those on the island -- and the island itself -- because it had moved in time and space before continue to exist so although they have dopplegangers/their real selves up there on flight 815, the Lostaways are, in fact, in the same universe?

Okay, I've got a headache.

I'm just wondering if the two selves can meet? If it's just after Desmond blew up the hatch... could Sawyer walk across the island to Otherton and meet a Juliet who had never met him? Could Alt_Sun cross paths with Ur_Sun's child? (And how hella pissed should Jin and Sun be if Jack negated their daughter's complete existence?!)

Or are these two decidedly different universes and in the Ur one, everything continued exactly the same and we're only glimpsing one where everything happened differently?

Don't worry. I don't expect anyone to have answers. Hell, I don't expect the show to have particularly definitive answers. But... yeah... it's something I'm thinking about.

And Cuse and Lindelhof gave a post-episode QandA to EW  (spoilers for last night's episodes) And I liked the theory someone had in the comments that   Juliet's dying non-sequitor about going out for coffee with Sawyer is correct and that this was the way that she knew 'it worked'.  Her non-sequitor was the 'other life.') 


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