Intro and ... WTF? (And cheesy shark fx, LOL!)
* Heh! I love when Jack's plans go horrendously wrong. This, in every way, it not what he planned.
* Er... okay, now WTF. Jack is in two places at once? No, turns out they all are in two places at once. So... now I'm totally confused. It changed time and didn't.... at the same time? Huh? (Or is Oceanic still going to crash)
* Isn't that Art who got blown-up real good with dynamite?
* Oh hi! Vampire Damon. Wait. No. What was your Lost name? You died a really long time ago.
* Smokemonster is bad ass... and sounds like a swarm of locusts. And NuLocke is smokemonster.
* Juliet is going to die. Damnit! *sob* (Jack's plan going horrendously wrong isn't as amusing at this point. And we thought Sawyer hated Jack before).
* Not even a glimpse of the tailies?
* Now when are they?! Is that like an Aztec temple or are those pirates? I'm confuzzeled! (Which, yeah, Lost. Comes with the territory).
* And they've cast from Deadwood again.
* There was an ankh in the guitar case? WTF?
* So, is it the fountain of youth or something and what saves Sayid will explain Richard? Or is Jacob going to take him over like Man In Black took over Locke?
* Hi Claire!
* And is this really going to be Sayid?
So in summary... I don't even...
Beats the hell out of me.
The writers must've sprung for the expensive psychotropic drugs!