Sat, 17:54: RT @ DirkZ1: #ObamaFarewell Killed BinLaden Decimated AlQaeda Saved auto industry Avoided a depression Tripled stock market $2 gas 15M jobs…
Sat, 17:56: RT @ JoyAnnReid: Exactly. And Wikileaks doesn't even hide their goal: a kind of tyranny via threat of public humiliation. It's "cross us and…
Sun, 08:29: RT @ JoyAnnReid: Understand that what Republicans are doing is *not normal. They're ramming through confirmations with no vetting, no ethics…
Sun, 08:31: RT @ XenaofAmerica: Just your daily medievalist reminder that the avg. medieval serf had anywhere from 80-180 days off a year. The avg. Amer…
Sun, 08:35: RT @ JoyAnnReid: I agree w/ @ CNN's David Rohde: the next step for journalists is to search for proof of a back channel between the Trump cam…
Sun, 08:37: RT @ Khanoisseur: 1. A thread on something that's been bothering me: How on earth was Trump losing money on his casinos while competitors w…