Fri, 12:22: RT @ peterdaou: 1. Bernie did more damage to Hillary's reputation in a few months than Republicans did in 30 years. He is part of the reason…
Fri, 12:22: RT @ peterdaou: 2. In 2016 Bernie & his surrogates pivoted from a positive issue message to a character assault on Hillary. “Must have been…
Fri, 12:22: RT @ peterdaou: 5. Bernie’s “movement” became a hate mission against one woman, with people throwing dollar bills at her on the street. HEIN…
Fri, 12:22: RT @ peterdaou: 6. Bernie’s issue message became secondary to his central and unjust goal to make Hillary appear corrupt and in the pocket o…
Fri, 12:23: RT @ peterdaou: 7. Jeff Weaver and Tad Devine took up residence on cable news and bashed Hillary’s integrity day in and day out. Relentless…
Fri, 12:23: RT @ peterdaou: 9. Bernie never released his full tax returns and his surrogates pretended the primaries were rigged. TRUMP JUST RAN WITH BE…
Fri, 12:30: RT @ ezlusztig: Anyone who respects professionalism will have a major problem with the shockingly unprofessional Trump outfit.…
Fri, 12:36: RT @ EJDionne: "Fox News is now an outlet for the Russian version of events." @ MJGerson on "the triumph of political tribalism." https://t.c…
Fri, 16:44: RT @ JohnJHarwood: when Trump doubted Russian culpability on Dec 31, he said "I know things other people don't know," vowed to disclose Tues…
Fri, 16:44: RT @ ThisWeekABC: BREAKING: U.S. report on Russia: Russian President Putin "ordered an influence campaign" in 2016 aimed at U.S. presidentia…
Fri, 17:28: RT @ TeaPainUSA: Trumpers now deny that Trump promised to make Mexico "pay for the wall." Share this new technology called "video." https:…
Fri, 17:29: RT @ laurenduca: Do not forget Trump's aggressive attempts to discount and undermine this story, or his explicit praise of Putin. https://t.…