Destiny's Soul Mate

Oct 03, 2020 17:45

A/N: I don't know if you all remember all the health problems I had between me and my family years ago....little update: my Dad just recently had to be put in a nursing home and two years ago Mom came down with Dementia so I sold my house so I could move in with her and take care of her full time. (my Dad was living with my brother). It can be difficult to find time to write, but I'm enjoying having this outlet again! (Mom has also been moved into a nursing home since I wrote this)


Here is Chapter 25....hope you enjoy it! It's about 1800 words. Please review and let me know what you think. This story went in a direction I had not planned. I do not own Hugh or Jenn or anyone else for that matter. I'm sure everyone mentioned is a very nice human being! This is an RPF. If you are offended by those, why are you reading this one?

Destiny's Soul Mate
Chapter 25

"Wake up!"

Jenn was dreaming. Well, it was more like a nightmare really. She was dreaming that Jesse kidnapped her and took her away. All of a sudden she felt a swift kick to her broken ribs which awakened her immediately.

"Wake up, God damn it! It's Tuesday and you've been sleeping all morning."

Even with the kick to the ribs, Jenn was barely conscious. She was just too weak.

Jesse was losing his patience.
"Jennifer, we've stayed here long enough waiting for you to recover. We have to move on. Now get your ass up or I swear your ribs won't be the only things that are broken!"

"I can't Jesse. Just let me lie here. Go to Vegas without me!" pleaded Jenn with labored breath.

"Why do you make me do this?" screamed Jesse as he started kicking Jenn as she lay on the floor. Only that time, Jenn didn't scream. She was already broken.
Just when Jenn began to pray for a quick death, the door busted in and cops flooded the small motel room.

"What the fuck?" yelled Jesse.

"Jessie Spencer, you are under arrest for kidnapping and aggravated assault and probably a whole lot more," charged the detective as he put him in handcuffs.

John took one look at the bruised and bloody body on the floor and yelled to one of the state troopers, "Get on the radio and call for the Med-Flight ASAP!"

Thirty seconds later, Hugh ran into the room but stopped dead in his tracks. When he saw Jenn lying on the floor, naked, beaten and bloody, the color drained from his face and he said, "Oh dear God!"

He immediately took the bedspread off the bed and covered Jenn's battered body. He then stood up and lunged at Jesse who was being detained in handcuffs by John.

"You son-of-a-bitch! I'll kill you!" wailed Hugh.

When Hugh lunged at him, it sent all three of them crashing to the floor. Hugh hit Jesse in the face with his fist as many times as he could before John pulled him off.

The detective held up a bleeding Jesse and blocked his access from Hugh while yelling, "Hugh! Stop it! How am I going to explain him being beat to a bloody pulp? You're not even supposed to be here!"

Knowing the detective would protect him, Jesse just gave Hugh a big shit eating grin. Hugh clenched his fists at his sides, trying to control his temper.

"Hugh, your woman needs you. Go to her. I'll take care of this asshole!" promised John.

Suddenly, Hugh couldn't get to Jenn fast enough. He knelt by her side and took her hand in his. He didn't know where it was ok to touch her...there was so much blood. And so many bruises.

"Jenn, it's me, baby. I'm here. You're going to be alright."

Jenn could only open one eye just a little bit. He could tell she was borderline unconscious.

"Stay with me, Sweetness! The medics are coming and we're going to take you back home to LA so you can get better. I won't let anything or anyone hurt you ever again baby, I swear. I'm so sorry."

Hugh leaned his ear down to Jenn's mouth because she was trying to say something. He couldn't make it out (due to her throat being so severely dehydrated). The Med-Flight paramedics arrived and pushed Hugh aside so they could assess and attend to their patient.

As they worked on her, they reported to the detective and Hugh. "She's got numerous lacerations and contusions all over her body. It seems that he has broken several of her ribs on both sides, probably from kicking her. Her one eye is completely swollen shut as a result of contact with more than likely his fist. Her other eye has damage as well but not to the same extent. She has two good size hematomas on her head with swelling. Obviously they'll want to check those immediately to see if they are subdural hematomas. And finally, from what we can tell, without tests, she's definitely been deprived of water and food for at least several days. We have her on an IV to start fluids. It's best we get her to the hospital ASAP so they can determine her true condition and start treatment."

The detective thanked the paramedic for the report, and then looked over at Hugh who had stood silent the entire time. When he looked at Hugh's face, he saw tears in his eyes that he was fighting to control.

"Come on Hugh, let's get you a seat on that copter," suggested John.

Hugh stayed by Jenn's side as they loaded her on a stretcher and carried her out to the waiting helicopter. They couldn't give her pain medication because they didn't know what kind of head damage she may have. Moving her had significantly increased her rib pain. Which also increased her labored breathing. Half way through the trip home, Jenn went unconscious, unable to bear the pain.

Hugh unwrapped her arm from the blanket so he could hold her hand, and made a startling discovery. There, squeezed tightly in the palm of her hand, was the silver caduceus!

My God! She had that with her the whole time! I promised her as long as she had that I would always be with her and protect her! I've let her down so terribly!

Hugh gently took the caduceus from Jenn's hand and raised it to his lips for a kiss. He then tucked the charm away safely in his pants pocket to be returned to her later.

He held her hand and leaned down to gently kiss her lips. "Please stay with me, Jenn. I love you so much. I can't live without you. Don't you dare leave me!"


Six hours. That's how long Hugh had been waiting for Jenn to come out of her coma. She had never woken up after losing consciousness in the helicopter. Upon landing in LA, the Emergency Room doctors had worked on her for several hours. They discovered basically what the paramedics had said. She had three broken ribs on the left side, and two broken ribs on the right side. She had major lacerations and contusions all over her body. The doctors figured that Jesse kicked her quite a lot based on the type and shape of her injuries. He must have struck her in the face and head repeatedly because one of her eyes was completely swollen shut and one was halfway swollen shut. She also had two bloody hematomas on her head. The doctors were able to tell that Jenn was denied food and even water for at least 3 days. Basically, her internal organs had started to shut down. But one of the most disturbing details they discovered was that Jenn had been raped. And now she was still in a coma.
Hugh sat by her bed, holding her hand. He slipped the caduceous into the palm of her other hand and closed her hand around it, to give her strength.

"I'm here with you, Sweetness."

"How is she?"

Hugh looked over toward where the voice had come from and there stood Robert in the doorway holding a vase of flowers.

"Hey Robert, come on in. There's been no change. She's still in a coma."

"And how are you doing?" asked Robert as he came in and sat down next to Hugh and set the flowers on the table.

"Robert, as you Americans say, I don't know if I'm pitchin or I'm catchin! I just can't seem to wrap my head around all this. Everything has happened so fast. First Jenn and me getting together was like a whirlwind and of course now this! It just seems so surreal. Dare I it's right out of a tv show or movie!"

Robert laughed and said, "I have to agree that your life has certainly been rather dramatic lately! Who knows? Maybe some unknown fan will write a story about it one day!"

"Yeah, right!"

"Have you heard anything about Jesse?" inquired Robert.

"Just that the fucker is still alive. Unfortunately!" sneered Hugh.

Robert raised his eyebrows and said, "O-Kay....why don't you tell me how you really feel?"

Hugh leaned in and lowered his voice in anger, "Robert, he kidnapped Jenn and held her against her will. He beat the shit out of her and starved her! And Robert, he raped her! He raped her and I wasn't there! I wasn't there to stop him! She'll never forgive me, and I'll never forgive myself!"

Robert could see the tears in his friend's eyes and it hurt him to know there was not much he could really do for him. "Hugh, I agree, what Jesse did was unforgivable and frankly I think they should just lock him in a room with you for twenty minutes as punishment. But you need to understand something. Jesse did this. Not you. You can't feel guilty for not being able to stop this. Jesse took that out of your control. And Jenn loves you, you idiot! I'm sure she'll be blaming her psychotic ex-fiance, not you!"

"I love her so much Robert. I can't lose her now."

"If there is one certainty in this world,'s that Jennifer Morrison is a fighter and she doesn't give up! Just like her character Cameron. House has been treating her like shit for how many years now, and she still loves him? Cameron never gave up on House and Jenn will never give up on you!"

Hugh managed to actually smile at his friend and say, "Thanks, Robert. You're a good friend."

"Hugh, you're actually smiling," teased Robert.

"That's because I'm fantasizing about all the cruel and unusual ways we can kill off Jesse's character from the show!" explained Hugh.

"Oh, do tell!" begged Robert.

"Well, let's see, we could have Chase die from a terminal case of food poisoning. Tainted Vegemite!" suggested Hugh.

"That could work!" agreed Robert. "Or how about getting mauled by a killer kangaroo while visiting his homeland?"

"Not bad! I like this set-up better though: Chase went to the county prison on our last case to check our patient's cell, but while he was there the inmates had a riot. The place was put on lockdown. Chase was held hostage and raped by several of the inmates before being killed in the rescue attempt!"

"WOW! Remind me not to piss you off!" teased Robert.

And so the two friends sat there plotting Chase's demise while holding vigil at Jenn's side. After another hour, Robert left, leaving Hugh alone to watch over his "angel". He simply held her hand and talked to her until finally exhaustion overtook him and his eyes closed.


rpf, destiny's soul mates

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