Destiny's Soul Mate

Sep 28, 2020 18:02

A/N: Hey fanfiction lovers! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, it took me a long time to write! A lot happens in this one too! 1800 words! I sure hope after I write all these chapters and post them,....that there is still interest out there!? Also, please don't be put off by the previous "comment - war" that was taking place. That is over once and for all now. I ABSOLUTELY welcome feedback on this story. I know people are reading it. WARNING: THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS VIOLENCE ASSAULT AND RAPE!!"

I don't own Hugh or Jenn or anybody else for that matter. I'm sure everyone mentioned is very nice in real life. I just like to make stuff up. This is a Real Person Fic. If you are offended by this sort of thing, why are you reading it?


Chapter 24


"No! Jesse...please don't!" cried Jenn, as she struggled to get free of Jesse's grasp.

He straddled Jenn, grabbed her blouse and ripped it from her body, exposing her bra. It was dark in the room except for a small side light he left on, so Jesse could still make out her beautiful body.

"Get off me, mother fucker!" yelled Jenn as she started slapping and clawing at Jesse's face. She knew if she didn't stop him somehow, he was going to rape her.

When Jenn's nails sliced a long bloody line down Jessie's face, it enraged him even further. He drew back his fist and punched her in the face as hard as he could.

"Fucking Cunt!"

Jenn's head snapped back and darkness overcame her once again.


Monday morning found Hugh laying on the couch after a sleepless night. It was a little after 5 a.m. and he thought he’d better call David and let him know what's going on, and that obviously they'll have to temporarily cancel production on the show.

He dialed David's home number, knowing full well there was a good chance he would be waking him up.

A groggy voice answered, "Hello?”

"David, it's Hugh. Sorry to bother you this early, but we've got a major problem here. This is life and death, David. Are you sure you're awake enough to comprehend what I'm saying?”

"Hugh, what the hell is going on?" David demanded.

"David, Jesse kidnapped Jennifer and we have no idea where he has taken her or what he plans on doing to her. I have a friend who is a police detective who is helping me without getting the case publicized if we can help it. I certainly can't work while I'm worrying about her, and with both Jenn and Jesse gone, I think we should just close down production for a few days, don't you?"

"I agree. Damn! I can't believe Jesse went off the deep end like that! I mean, he was always a bit insecure and jealous, but...kidnapping?"

"If he hurts her, he's going to be a dead man!" Hugh growled.

"Now Hugh, let the police handle it. I gotta go. I have to get staff making all the calls to cancel production for today. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help."

"Thanks David, I'll let you know if we find anything out."

Later that morning, Hugh was just getting dressed after having taken a shower. He heard a knock at the front door so he quickly threw on a T-shirt and answered the door. It was the detective.

"John, come on in. Do you have any news?" asked Hugh, anxious for an update.

"Well, we do have a couple of leads. First thing I learned is that Jesse is a pretty stupid criminal!" stated John.

Hugh chuckled and said, "Okay, I'll bite..."

"Apparently one of your neighbors saw a silver Honda out front Saturday afternoon. We know Jesse owns a black Camaro so we started checking rental places. It seems Jesse wanted to use a rental so he couldn't be traced, but then the dumb shit used his own credit credit card to pay for the rental!"

"So you're saying we know the car description and plate number now?" asked Hugh.

"Yes, and there's more. I put a BOLO out and a car matching that description was spotted yesterday afternoon in Primm, Nevada at a gas station. They may be headed for Vegas. As soon as they get an exact location on the car, I'll be flying out there in our department's helicopter. I'll be working in conjunction with Nevada State Police.”
"I want to be on that helicopter, John! I NEED to be on it. If you find, when you find her, she's going to need me. Please!" Hugh pleaded.

John shook his head and said, "Fine! Be ready to drop everything and go at a moment's notice!" John then turned and walked out the door.


PAIN. So much pain. Jenn was slowly coming to, but there was so much pain.
She tried to assess her condition but it was hard. She was having trouble seeing. She was having trouble hearing. She'd been hit in the head so many times it was hard telling what kind of damage Jesse had done. She could tell she was lying on the floor. There was a lot of blood again. And that's when it hit her. The realization that Jesse had stripped her naked! My God! What else did he do to me while I was unconscious?
All of a sudden she heard a voice from the corner of the room, "I bet you're wondering what I did to you, huh?"

"Jesse, what have you done?" Jenn barely whispered.

"Just took what was mine!" sneered Jesse.

If Jenn had had anything in her stomach to throw up in that moment, she would have. Unfortunately, it just added to the nausea she was already experiencing from being starved and dehydrated. She immediately thought of Hugh. Even if he were to find her, there was no way he would still want her now that Jesse raped her! Tears started to fall down Jenn's face as she mourned the life she would never have. The tears only amused Jesse, causing him to laugh out loud at her.

"I'm going to go take a shower. Even though I don't think you're even strong enough to get up on your own, I'm going to tie up one hand to the table. I still don't trust you," explained Jesse, as he tied her left wrist to the leg of the table.

After he closed the door and turned the shower on, Jenn tried to focus on her surroundings. It was hard due to her swollen eye and she was light headed. She saw that her clothes had been ripped off her and lay on the floor not too far away. If she could just reach her jeans. She tried to stretch out to reach her right arm out toward the article of clothing. Jenn screamed in pain as her broken ribs made themselves known. With tears in her eyes, she tried again, her fingertips just barely touching the loop of the belt. With a grunt and then a final sigh of relief, she dragged the jeans towards her. With her right hand she frantically dug into the pocket, hoping, praying, it was still there! When her fingers wrapped around cool metal, she gently pulled it out and ran her thumb over the silver caduceus.

She still had it. A part of Hugh was still with her. She knew she couldn't try and escape, she was in too bad of shape. It was up to Hugh now. She just laid back down on the blood-stained floor and prayed that he would find her in time.


It was Tuesday morning around 10 a.m.. Hugh sat in his living room just staring at his cell phone. Jenn had been gone since Saturday. He felt completely useless. She was out there, going through God knows what and he was sitting alone in his condo scratching his ass. Robert had offered to come over and wait with him, but Hugh had declined, saying he wasn't very good company right now.

Hugh didn't pray, because like his alter ego, he was an atheist. But he hoped with all his heart that Jesse didn't hurt her. It took all this time for them to find each other and finally be together, and now to have this happen. He knew one thing with every fiber of his being...if Jesse DID hurt her, he'll kill him.

Thirty minutes later, Hugh's phone rang. Hugh picked it up before the first ring was complete.


"Yes, Hugh. It's me. We found the car. Are you ready to go?"

"Absolutely, I'm ready right now!" insisted Hugh.

"O.K., there will be a squad car there to pick you up in about ten minutes. I'll meet you at the helicopter pad."

"Thanks John."


Twenty minutes later Hugh was being rushed in the back of a cruiser to the helipad to meet John. From the back seat, Hugh could see John waiting for him by the helicopter which was already warming up.

Hugh got out of the car and quickly ran over while bending down under the rotating blades. John instructed him to take the rear left seat and to put his ear phones on. Once John got settled in his seat and put on his head phones, he began to tell Hugh about what they had found.

"Hugh, we're going to Primm, Nevada. It'll be about an hour's flight time to get there. Primm is where the car was spotted Saturday so they apparently have been holed up there the whole time. This time it was spotted at a sleazy motel out in the desert. The state police are going to meet us there. Now I can't stress this enough. You ABSOLUTELY MUST STAY OUTSIDE while we make entry and put the suspect under arrest. Are you hearing me, Hugh?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever. I'm in there right after that!" threatened Hugh.

"Hugh, I also need you to prepare yourself. You may not be ready for what you're going to find once we get there..."

"No FUCKING way, John! She's going to be fine. She has to be!" insisted Hugh.
Having said what they both wanted to say, both men silently sat back and watched the scenery fly by. Each one contemplating what lay ahead.

An hour later, Hugh watched John put on all his gun harnesses. John looked at him and said, "we're about two minutes to target."

Hugh can feel the bile rising in his throat and his hands are beginning to tremble. In two minutes, he's going to know the condition of Jennifer, the woman he can't live without.

The helicopter landed next to the hotel among state police cars. Everyone surrounded the motel room door. Hugh stood behind everyone else as two policemen with a battering ram swung back and yelled, "POLICE! WE ARE COMING IN!" Then BAM! The battering ram splintered the door in two, and the police filed in the room with their weapons drawn.

Hugh heard John say "Jesse Spencer, you are under arrest for kidnapping and aggravated assault and probably a whole lot more."

What he heard next gave him chills. John ordered one of the State police officers to radio in for the Med-flight immediately. As scared as Hugh was, he made himself run into the motel room.
Although Hugh was an atheist, the first words that came out of his mouth were, "Oh, dear God!"


rpf, destiny's soul mate

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