I know sometimes people hate me. I mean, when I am on their side everything is fine. I am goofy and carefree, so I am well liked among my friends. But one day, someone has a different POV and they just cannot stand it. Why? Because I am argumentative, almost lawyer-like. I’ve been within fandoms since X files days, so it’s my second nature to present a case. I cannot say I am the smartest person ever, but I am able to hold on my own and it just kills them that I am not on their side and I still sound reasonable and I am not the 12 girls with no brain sometimes they advertise we are. Maybe this is why I never signed on TWoP and I just really lurk on ONTD. It would be a battlefield every.single.day and since I cannot stand arrogance, which can make me sound arrogant in the process (Except it’s a calculated thing, rather than natural), I would have more headache and I cannot spend my time bitch slapping people. I get bored and I have way too many things to do. But I could, apparently I have this “gift” where I just know how to phrase things in order to piss off people. I have to say I can be quite cruel when I intend to, really frank, I can be passive aggressive if the person is to me (And more important, I can recognize when someone is being passive aggressive towards me). So basically I can be your hell if you take things too seriously.
But when someone is nice, not the arrogant hags that I usually bump on internet I can really respect people’s opinions. Or maybe at least not dwell on subjects I don’t agree. I do recognize that I am the queen of controversial thoughts. I usually like the characters people hate. I love Kate Austen (Thanks fandom, without you I wouldn’t defend and know her that well), I really liked Meredith in days people HATED her, I like Lexie, I like Quinn from Glee and even Terry from Glee. I even like what I saw from Thirteen, which consists on scant House S4 episodes.
I also love things people love, by the way. I just have this taste on things people don’t like. It’s unintentional, but no one on my flist can say that I am not willing to politely discuss the differences. I can be open minded, but only when the person who is debating is not rude. Otherwise I get nasty and you just don’t want me to be a bitch.
Once upon a time though, with no intentions in mind, I start some drama. Because people gets butt hurt for the smallest things ever. Now it’s time for the Grey’s fandom. Mark and Callie fans prove that they’re not only bitter bitches, but they cannot be contradicted even if I am polite and all that shit LOL. If I were the underdog ship and the head of the show not only do whatever she intends to, I would you know… shut up. I am very willing to accept when my ships probably won’t happen (Such as Cameron and Wilson). I don’t cry and whine all the time.
So, the posts (From E! Online and yeah… I use a fake name, so what?).
My first post: I don't think chemistry should be discussed since it is subjective. Personally, I don't think Mark and Callie have romantic chemistry at the same time I do like Mark/Lexie and Arizona/Callie chemistry. But it's my personal opinion. The same way I can't speak for the entire audience, shipper fanbases can't assume anything as well, specially since it comes with evident bias (We all have). Plus, using very little evidence.
Jamie Whatever: Funny Hannah, you say "chemistry" should NOT be talked about yet your entire post is about "chemistry" In your opinion Mark * Lexie have chemistry, but others simply don't like Daddy/daughter chemistry. Mark is better challenge with an equal in terms of a charact3er and Lexie is NOT an equal. And both her character and Mark's are less together than when I see them shine in scenes away from each other. I see what the show is trying to do with her naive, wide eyed thing and his bad boy past, but for me, it simply doesn't work at all. Kinda creepy actually. And I agree with the post above, phrasing a question with the words SILLY before it, shows no neutrality and so the question is in some ways, already being answered before we even get a chance to express our own opinions and that's just not right.
My post: Did you read my post at all? I was talking about the fact chemistry is subjective and I used the fact I think ML and AC have it only to illustrate that not everyone will find Mark and Callie good on a romantic context and that chemistry shouldn't be a valid argument. Now if you don't like ML for the creepy factor you find, I cannot really argue against it. You're right to have your opinion. I don't share it since I have no issues with age differences, I don't find their dynamics Dad/Daughter like and I give Mark more credit than the manwhore label. He was already growing up before Lexie so the whole bad boy and good girl mate ignores his arch since Season 4. But as I said, it's your opinion. I meant no harm with my comment.
Anon: We all read your post and you dissed on someone else's opinion, then you come back to do it again Hannah. Just because someone doesn't agree with you and finds the above article in itself slanted towards the personal like of the writers opinion of a tv couple, many do not like, doesn't warrent you pointing out someone else's post. Come up with our own opinion, stick to it, and don't diss others for thiers.
My post: Just point me when I insult anyone who likes Mark and Callie. I am starting to get tired of this personal attack since I've been polite on my posts. If you don't like my skepticism towards arguments such as chemistry and methods to evaluate people's acceptance torward storylines and even the interpretation of storylines that's fine. Why should my personal view not be valued, though? I am not being offensive, I am not being childish. I am not even stating my personal opinion as a fact. Have you ever been on an online fandom? People not always agree and they still can be civil. Maybe you should start to give arguments, instead of bash posts that don't have what you want to read. I would respect that.
Seriously, what the hell did I say that it was so damn offensive? The person who is pissed at me is either stupid or just cannot stand that I am not taping her ass and saying: Good! You’re right. They suck.
That also happens a lot with the Lost fandom. Except I will give the Lost fandom that once in a blue moon, they can be funny. With this Callie and Mark ship is just a Cry Me a River , filled with immaturity that it’s really not amusing. And off course I cannot trust Shonda and say that 100% it will never happen, it’s Grey’s after all… But, can they just STFU while there is no evidence to support a relationship that at least on a romantic way was nothing but a plain and simple shag with a few insightful moments?