Title: Almost Too Easy Author: Skippy Spoilers: The whole show Notes: Way too many thank yous and acknowledgments to put here, so it's all at the end of the essay.
BMW is, and will remain, one of my very favorite shows, and my discovery of slash only exasperated my love for it. You captured the general feel of Cory/Shawn very well, and other than some typos, it made for a very smooth and enjoyable read. The pictures were a lot of fun too! If only you'd included one of the episode where they dressed up as women. Mmm, kink factor. ;)
they have this on DVD?!?! Totally want. Going to buy now! lol. this is the only show that I liked from start to finish. earlie years and on. Most shows it takes a seasion or two to get into it. Thats why i lovers this show!
Oh MAN. I have seen approximately a billion episodes of this show but I never realized QUITE how slashy it really is. This made me giggle a lot - in fact, I'm still laughing at the horses quote, waaaaaay up there. Nice job!
Absolutely awesome. Some typos kinda made me cringe (you called Jack "Jake" when you first introduced him) but overall the essay points out a lot of their relationship. BMW is a hilarious show, and my sister and I can never get over the gay hintage. ^_~
Comments 87
The slashiness must be seen to be believed.
Good essay. Joining others in my favorites.
I'm glad you liked the essay, despite it's minor mistakes - gayness is too funny for words, and they just seem to fit together so well.
I'm in someone's favorites? :does little happy dance:
There isn't that much fic (although I'm always on the lookout for more), but some of it is damn good.
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