MÄR - Eternal Instant - Phantom/Alviss

Aug 18, 2009 01:02

Title: Eternal Instant
Author: zephyr_design
Fandom: MÄR - Märchen Awakens Romance
Pairing: Phantom/Alviss
Spoilers: Everything from the anime and manga.
Disclaimer: I do not own MÄR or its characters.
Notes: Canon gay + image and text heavy. No, really. This is one long essay for a series no one has heard of.


The Manga
The Anime

This anime and manga, created by Nobuyuki Anzai, tell us a very usual story in shounen: Ginta, a videogame otaku, gets transported to MÄR-Heaven, a land full of beauty and magic. The peace of this paradise-like place is being threatened by an group called Chess no Koma (Chess Pieces), who once started a War Game to conquer the land. Their leader was defeated by a warrior that came from another world. With the resurrection of their 1rst Knight, Phantom, they are back again, and Ginta was summoned to defeat the villains.

In this world, pieces of jewelry called ÄRMs are used to fight. They can summon forces of the nature, guardians, or turn into weapons. Ginta soon finds Babboo, a rare, unique ÄRM that's alive.

Märchen means fairytale in german, and soon we know why it's in the title. This manga has a heavy influence of the Grimm's brothers' stories and other tales.

Coming back to our two characters:

Alviss is the boy who summoned Ginta to MÄR-Heaven. Phantom, as the name implies, is the villain whom Ginta must defeat.



The first time we see Alviss, he's summoning Ginta to MÄR-Heaven. A very serious, cool guy, he's only sixteen. He immediately shows incredibly antipathy towards Ginta, believing the boy he summoned to be a weakling. He mistreats Ginta, has no qualms about using dark ÄRMs and, generally, is a jackass.

Soon enough, we find the reasons why. When he was ten, Alviss joined the War Game as a member of the Cross Guard, heroes of MÄR-Heaven. Their leader, Danna - the man who came from another world - was the only one to show faith in Alviss and not to treat him as a kid. During the fight to stop the Chess, Danna was killed by Phantom, the first Knight.

Alviss was there when this happened and he faced Phantom, defying him. For his courage, Phantom awarded him with a 'gift': the Zombie Tattoo, a tattoo that, as soon as it covers the wielder's entire body, grants him immortality by turning him into an undead - just like Phantom, the man Alviss hates so much.

Being saved from suicide by the other members from the Cross Guard, he starts his training. Alviss grows powerful, surpassing his mentors, with only one thing in mind: stopping the curse. And for that, Phantom has to be killed.

He keeps his controlled facade, but Ginta grows on him. When he finally joins Ginta, he can be seen even smiling... Oh, Alviss is also known as the 'cool beauty' of MÄR-Heaven! He's often called a bishounen, specially by ugly guys who are envious of his appearance. He has his own fanbase, leaded by his companion, the tiny fairy Bell. In the anime, he's said to be popular between both men and women!


The fearful number 1 Knight of the Chess. He's a zombie who was killed during the first War Game but came back from the grave (literally). Often enough, he's seen wearing a mask and a cold smile.

Phantom has many faces, but the truth is he's as sadistic as can be. Hating all humans, he can destroy villages, torture people and kill women and children with a smile of satisfaction. He's a walking contradiction. Phantom can show kindness to his subordinates and enemies (though often fake), and is a very charismatic leader. One thing he restlessly seeks is entertainment - that generally comes in the aspect of fights.

For the ones he took under his wing in the Chess, he's a savior. Those abandoned, tortured and shunned by their own people were rescued by Phantom, who was once just like them, betrayed by his own kind. Once a normal boy, he was arrested when he discovered and started to deal with a dangerous magical entity - the Orb. For this crime, his parents should've killed him, as according to the law. Instead, they committed suicide. In prison, he was rescued by the beautiful Dianna, who turned him into her Knight. He even had a lover, Alma. But Alma abandoned him when she found out he desired revenge on human race... No wonder why Phantom is shown to be a very lonely man.

His underlings love him, his enemies loathe him, and everyone else fears him. It doesn't matter the feelings people hold for him. All MÄR-Heaven acknowledges his power.


Alviss: I understand everything about him. More than you.
Rolan: What do you know about Phantom?!
Alviss: I can feel his need for me.
Rolan: Then what about you? Do you need Phantom?

A hero and a villain, one absolutely hating the other. What could be there in canon that possibly makes them ship-able? One cannot rely only in the idea that the hatesex will be great, of course...

. their relationship from afar

I must confess the manga doesn't have much direct interaction. We only see Phantom appreciating Alviss' fights, smiling as he comments on how Alviss has grown. He also clearly states he would like to see Alviss body clearly (clotheless) so he could see how the tattoo has been spreading. Phantom calls Alviss "Alviss-kun" and is affectionate referring to him... almost as if Alviss is his pet project.

Their bond is often mentioned during episodes by many characters. Mainly, during Alviss' fights against Rolan - a Chess Knight who is in love with Phantom. Alan, the man who saved Alviss from suicide and who also has a curse placed upon him, often makes remarks about Alviss' fate.

Rolan and Alviss matches generates sparks: while Rolan is completely devoted to Phantom, Alviss tries to convince him Phantom is not the man Rolan believes him to be. Rolan, on the other hand, is freaked out that Alviss can't understand how he feels. He shows the audience another side of Phantom - a very kind one, that deserves to be loved. In the anime, it's almost as if Rolan wants Alviss to love Phantom as much as he does, because he knows Phantom wants Alviss and nobody else. It tears Rolan that the man he loves can't have who he wants.

.the tattoo

"Phantom and I are tied. By a strong, fateful bond." - Alviss

This is the most significant bond between the two of them. Phantom has granted the Zombie Tattoo to two other people: Peta, his right hand and best friend, and Rolan, a subordinate who admires him deeply. Both were upon request, in very different situations than Alviss. Rolan tends to show his mark even proudly, claiming that Alviss should be glad he was granted such honor.

The relationship between Alviss and Phantom can be tracked down to this mark in Alviss' body. There's no need for them to interact directly, no need for them to speak. Alviss doesn't need to be close to Phantom to know that Phantom, as far as he can be, is still close to him, clinging into his skin and dragging him to an early grave - just to be resurrected as an immortal.

Alan, one of Alviss' friends, make a very significative remark upon looking at how the tattoo is progressing: he says that Alviss has been violated. And he's right. In more ways than one, the tattoo is close to rape. Phantom has no need to be near his victim to remind him he'll never get rid of Phantom. Alviss spends six years leading a life that only sees revenge as an ideal. He cannot sleep, he cannot eat, he cannot wake up without thinking of Phantom. He hates his own self enough to attempt suicide.

In the anime, Alviss and Phantom exchange a little dialogue about Alviss' curse. It has stricken me as highly homoerotic and so far one of the most mature scenes. Alviss is in the ground, moaning. Phantom asks if it hurts and reassures Alviss that he'll get used to it. He also states that only with pain Alviss will get a reward. Mind you that they're talking about the tattoo, but the dialogue sounds as if it came straight out of a BL Drama CD - specially with Alviss' little gasps and heavy panting.

Another point worth mentioning about his curse: I liked to notice how Alviss clothes change in the anime. At first, he's shown wearing a shirt with short sleeves, making his tattoo clearly visible. No one shows any reaction to it - it's such a rare curse people don't know about it. Alviss is showing it because he want to reminds himself of his own hate, of his reason to keep his cool self, centered, only focused in training and obtaining power.

After he joins Ginta, though, he changes into a shirt with long sleeves that cover his arms and neck. It's also at this moment that he enters the War Games, getting closer to Phantom. This is his denial: during the Games whenever Phantom appears or approaches him, his tattoo glows and spreads more through his body in a very painfully way. Alviss is often brought to his knees, whenever Phantom is near him. It's never stated in the manga which effects the tattoo has - beyond turning the user into a undead - and thus, we're left to wonder why Alviss despises the idea of living forever... The anime dwells a little in this territory, but in the manga, it's clear that what Alviss doesn't want is to become like Phantom.

.direct interaction

"Phantom needs me. He wants me more than anyone else. We don't want to live or die alone." - Alviss

My favorite part. In the anime, Phantom and Alviss relationship become, uh, well... Canon. And by canon I mean not only that they get physical interaction in a sexual level but that they both are shown to want and need each other.

Their physical interaction begins in episode 53. Ginta has a dream in which Alviss fights Phantom, who clearly has the upper hand. In the middle of Alviss' attack, Phantom gets close to him and... tries to kiss him. Alviss gets away, but is soon cornered against a wall, where Phantom proceeds to attempt to kill him by driving his hand into his heart. The natural balance of the world is restored and all is well with humanity - after all, I have no idea why Ginta would dream his enemy is trying to molest his friend. At least in the end Phantom restores his sanity and tries to kill Alviss... It looked like mere fanservice to me.

Until the Ghost Chess ark. The Ghost Chess ark exists only in the anime, after the War Game saga in the manga. In this saga, the Chess is shown to have members who like to experiment on people. They're fully devoted to Phantom, even after Phantom loses to Ginta in the War Game. With his defeat, he loses his will. He's shown as a weak, lonely man, who pins after a dream of peace and serenity with someone he can't have... Alviss.

Now, Phantom has very devoted followers. Two of them, Candice and Rolan, are shown to love him. Yet Phantom yearns for the boy who hates him, who despise his actions and is afraid of the world Phantom tries to create... In my mind, Alviss is Alma's replacement. Alviss is shown to have the same morality as her. She abandoned Phantom because of his actions. She died, so even though Phantom is regretful, he can't try to win her again. He has no use - he is weak, he lost his left arm, his power - and, above all, Phantom is afraid of his own immortality. His only friend just died in the War Game and he feels alone. What use immortality has when Phantom has no one to share it with?

Alviss, though, is cursed with the zombie tattoo. Alviss, who is just like Alma. Alviss, who fought against him to save MÄR heaven, who loves his land above all...

Phantom can have Alviss.

So he, with the help of the Ghost Chess, speeds the curse Alviss is under. And thus, in the anime, we can see Alviss fully covered with the tattoo.

.phantom's dream & alviss' curse

"Do you know, Alviss? A dream is the same as a curse. Until we wake from the dream, we'll never be free from the curse." - Phantom

At episode 88 of the anime, we start the part of the Ghost Chess when Alviss is kidnapped to Phantom's castle. Episode 88 to 94 is dedicated to their relationship. During this time, Alviss' tattoo grows completely and... let's say Stockholm Syndrome ensues.

During this time, one of the Ghost Chess kidnaps Alviss and takes him to a 'ball', where Phantom's longing to 'dance with him'. Of course it's all metaphorically speaking, but I found the subtle way Phantom's underling put Phantom's desire for Alviss very striking. It's almost as if he's taking Alviss to meet his prince charming. What I found most surprising is that Alviss isn't reluctant. He still possesses all his mental faculties, yet he wants to meet Phantom to sort things out. He's weak, he knows he can't possibly achieve anything. But before the tattoo takes him, while his conscience is still intact, he wants to deal with Phantom.

It's useless, since the tattoo fully takes his body. The result? An Alviss that ranges from pure evil, needing Phantom just as much as Phantom needs him, to an Alviss who's Phantom's emotionless puppet. He has a glimpse or two of conscience, when he tries to fight against Phantom, but that's it. My take on it, since the anime never explains anything, is that when he accepts the tattoo, it takes full control over him, making him just like Phantom (thus the similarities: the cruelty, the loneliness, the power, which Ginta compares to Phantom's). When Alviss struggles against it but doesn't win, he becomes this doll with dead eyes.

Phantom says in exchange for pain, they gain eternal life that's full of happiness and no pain or suffering. He says there's a requirement for eternal life, though: a dream.

And then we're brought back to the title of the episode - Phantom's dream. Phantom says over and over again, that Alviss is his dream. We see Phantom, who despise peace, together with Alviss in a field of flowers that come straight from shoujo manga, and my favorite song from MÄR, which involves piano, flutes and a violin, plays in the background.

Phantom knows he can't have Alviss out of the boy's free will, though. Alviss goes away and Phantom looks as depressed as ever, but he ends up accepting his fate. Mitsuki Saiga, his voice actress, acts wonderfully to display the bittersweetness of his farewell - to Alviss, specially. In the anime, it's clear that Alviss has grown to forgive him. He hesitates to kill Phantom, and when he does, he takes off his own shirt, showing us all his now cleansed body, and cover Phantom's. Not only that, he asks for Jack, a nature manipulator, to surround Phantom's resting place with flowers - the same flowers in Phantom's dream. And, in episode 99, when Alviss is about to die, he sees Phantom there, giving him strength to stand up and fight.


Alviss: Unfortunately, I don't want eternity.
Rolan: You're a privileged person chosen by Phantom, you know!
Alviss: I'm sorry, but I want Phantom even less.
Rolan: I can't allow myself to forgive you, who does not love eternity nor Phantom.

As it becomes clear, Phantom's feelings are pretty much onesided. Also, we're let to wonder - which feelings Phantom holds for Alviss, really? Yes, Phantom wants him, but why?

Phantom was left alone. Since childhood, everyone he loved dearly has abandoned him. His country, by their law's cruelty; his parents, by suicide; his lover, by betrayal; his only friend, by death. Phantom has no one left but Alviss. Even though Rolan holds the tattoo, Phantom has no eyes at him. Rolan is a follower, just like Candice. They aren't equals to him.

Alviss is Phantom's last resort, and this isn't something most people would think as a great shipping idea. And Alviss is being manipulated into wanting to be near Phantom. He doesn't wish to be by him when the tattoo isn't controlling him. As a reason not to ship them, people say Phantom wishes to make Alviss suffer, and Alviss wishes to kill him. So... Why ship them? If you aren't me and don't find those particular reasons the ones you'd pick to, indeed, ship the hell out of it


When MÄR started to be scanlated by SnoopyCool, all my friends were into it and I... I hated it. I found it trifle, cliche, and was Not Impressed. I wanted to talk about their latest obsession with them, though, so I had to found something that interested me in it. Back then, my love for yaoi was starting to sprout and, as soon as I laid my eyes in Alviss and Phantom, I knew it would be it. My OTP for life. And I was right. For six years, I've been completely in love with them.

I never was attached to 'normal' couples, and by normal I mean people in a healthy, stable relationship. So when I got the possibility of mind control, power play, and two absolutely gorgeous guys (at least in Anzai-sensei's art)... Yes, I was sold. It didn't help that I grew with the series. Since I was thirteen I've read the manga chapters as soon as they came out, anxiously expecting any new mention of Phantom by Alviss or vice-versa. When the anime was announced, I partied and warned all my friends - that now were uninterested in the series.When Phantom and Alviss went canon unexpectedly, I almost had a heart attack.

When they ceased to be a Mind Game Ship and developed into much more, I got even more reasons to love them. Not only they were canon (probably the first canon couple I started shipping), but the were more than just two people who could potentially kill each other after some mental (and physical, hopefully) screwing. I simply love their dialogues in the anime. They talk about eternity, about death, and love and pain and desire. I believe this couple touch every subject I personally find moving. Also, as much as Phantom manipulates Alviss, Alviss has Phantom in his hand. Alviss becomes Phantom's will to live, his only source of pleasure, his everything. In each and every way, they're equals, Phantom made them be equals. His attraction lies in how Alviss is admirable and how Phantom can break him, turning him into a monster so they can live together for eternity.

(Plus, have I already said that the hatesex would be awesome?)


MÄR is a very ignored series. Between the 14 pages of Mary Sues at fanfiction at FF.net, precious gems are lost... Phantom/Alviss, even though it's canon, is a very, very rare and unloved pairing. Most writers I know don't like and/or despise it. Which is a shame, really. They're so full of potential!

Pimping myself, since this is my main fandom: I love this couple and even my genfic tends to mention them a little. You can find them at my FF.net. Mainly, this one and this other one. First one involves sex.

My individual recs for the couple are:

Stolen by Werewolf of Fire
Dreaming of Pain by Goldenneko
Hunger by FeetOfTheNinjaFroggy (Not a couple fic. Far from it, actually. It doesn't stop from being great and gruesome.)
Gomenasai by GintaxAlvissForever
Surrender by Spykitty
The Heart of the Angel of Death by Aqua Alta
I'm not a Girl by Alviss Crazed Fan
The Kid by Chibikaty (not a couple fanfic, but hilarious nonetheless)

I could find some fanart sites that are still up:


mär - märchen awakens romance, #anime/animation, #manga/comic

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