Erotically Co-Dependent: A Dean/Sam manifesto

Dec 26, 2005 01:04

Title: Erotically Co-Dependent: A Dean/Sam manifesto
Author: slytherinblack and kissedbythegods, and thanks in large part to lea_ndra on the quotes section, and clex_monkie89 on the updated version ( Read more... )

supernatural, -incest

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Comments 40

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slytherinblack December 26 2005, 22:23:55 UTC
I do enjoy that series, though it's not one of my absolute favorites. Again, pretty much every fic I've seen posted on the sn_slash community is wonderful - I'll have to ponder what a good one might be for someone new to the series. What sorts of stuff are you looking for?


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slytherinblack December 27 2005, 05:24:20 UTC
Off the top of my head, I can think of about five ongoing longer stories in the Supernatural fandom. I'm just mentioning the ones that have been going for at least a few parts, since that seems to be kind of what you want.

There's the one you mentioned by deannaz, Send Angels, Demon Country as linked above, Haunted, and the False Comforts seriesDemon Country is by far my favorite of these. False Comforts is extremely well written, but it's too heavy on the angst for me (I like angst, but this is more like hopeless situation angst, and bone crushing) and her style tends to bore me a bit - she's very flowery and I find myself skimming a lot to get to the action. It might also be hard for a new-to-the-series person to understand ( ... )


lea_ndra December 27 2005, 09:48:34 UTC
could you... like... clean up my typos and mistakes in the quotes section? *cough* accept instead of except in the "Bugs" quote. I guess you didn't get my message about it. ;-)

thanks for compiling this, once more!


slytherinblack December 27 2005, 17:23:06 UTC
Dammit, I thought I _did_ fix that. I must be losing my mind.


wistful_fever December 29 2005, 03:23:30 UTC
This is really wonderful, and thought out. But since this is my pairing of choice right now (the shame!), can I make a few suggestions?

With the quotes, it might be better to include a few pairing-specific ones that give some insight to their characters and their relationship a well. Like 'so that's why you ran away' and the fight on the bridge, where Dean is telling Sam he can't deny who he is, just as examples.

And also, as a vidder for SPN, I gotta say I wish supernaturalvid was linked in there somewhere. ;)

I really liked your character summaries and the photos you chose.


slytherinblack December 29 2005, 03:29:52 UTC
I'm terrible with quotes so if I attempted, I'd fail miserably. The ones I included were almost all ones I'd gotten from others. But if you want to type some up and comment here, I'll edit this!


wistful_fever December 29 2005, 03:36:58 UTC
Wonderful, I'll throw some together.


slytherinblack December 29 2005, 03:48:08 UTC
And I just posted the playlist I was working on to super_santa. [/off topic]


halfshellvenus March 27 2006, 21:46:55 UTC
Lovely, altogether.

One thing, though, in the comments about Bloody Mary. I had more the impression that she went after people for their guilt-- not necessarily guilt about someone who was dead/who they cause to die.

So the question, which I covered in a "Missing Scenes" drabble here is, what is Dean guilty about? I maintain that he's guilty about loving Sam more than he thinks he should...


onion_ June 3 2006, 07:37:10 UTC
Can I just say that I love all you guys out there for doing this? Not just this fandom, but all ships in all fandoms. *huggles*

Between this and the newbie guide, getting into a new fandom (like I'm doing with Supernatural) has been made like infinitely easier. Really. Before, it was such a tedious affair trying to skim out the relevant and the not so relevant, the good and the bad (well that's subjective really, but ya), it almost put me off getting involved in new fandoms entirely. But now? I almost whooped with joy when I saw this *g* This place will be my first stop every time I want a new fandom from now on.

Oh and the quotes? Priceless. *love love so much love*


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