Breaking Bad "Cornered"

Aug 21, 2011 23:40

I really hate thunder storms. I think I've mentioned that before. Lately though, it's every effing day. I do not like being awakened by ominous cracks and crashes of thunder that shake the damn windows. It's bloody terrifying.

My brother and I were just talking about if,  in the end, Walter actually loses the family he started all this for, is doing all this for, it'd be a pretty poetic and absolutely devastating series finale. He would be left with a massive drug empire and nothing else. Seems almost fitting, really, since he's fucking up everyone else's life pretty good.

Bro also thinks that blood needs to spill, and soon. The waiting is just interminable. I know it's to mirror Walt's anxiety about this seeming static state he's in, but it's rather grating to the viewer as well.

Did Skylar actually talk with anyone at the state lines? Was she just trying to decide to run to next? Or was she just testing herself, trying to see if she really could go through with fleeing Walt? (Without Jr. would be problematic, though.)

Funny how Walt's paranoia was right on the money about what actually happened to Jessie and Mike, but his egocentricism screwed him over in the end, pushing Jessie away. Kid's about ready to start communicating via notepad rather than talk to his former father-figure. Will murder have to unite them again after it effectively divided them?

Hmm, LJ's changed their interface.

Kinda want to go back to my other tumblr to look at Fringe stuff now that I'm caught up, but also don't want to be spoiled by set-pics like I was last year. It's gonna be my spoiler-free show I think this year. (I will try, anyway.) Could be its last season, after all. Least it's a full season, though; there is just so much they need to get through. Mmm, more Anna Torv soon =)

breaking bad, fringe, television, i do not enjoy thunderstorms

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