...I simply don't want to at the moment (give me my LOST love or give me nothing at all). Just watched it with the Gravedigger ep last night...
Believing in the idea of "forewarned is forearmed", (in this case, seeing as how various parts of the net exploded after it aired) I knew (vaguely) what was going to be the big twist by the end of the episode (though I guess it was pretty clear what the conundrum was going to be by the time the first act break came around). What I mean that is that I didn't doubt both would go through with it. I had erroneously concluded beforehand that Booth's broken heart would lead him back to the army, but it is a bit more satisfying to see them both go and be without each other, since jack f*ck was getting solved with them back home, what with the AWKWARD. Every time Booth would act is something was okay since they'd decided not to try for a relationship, I would sigh in frustration. So many AAARGH moments. But hey, it'll be different in September. So.
It wasn't a bad ep, and the only thing that really got me mad was little Parker guilt-tripping his dad into reupping. *C'mon*, that's just cheap. Dude could be killed; why would you want your dad to leave you again? No action on the front lines or not, Afghanistan is Afghanistan. That reaction probably has to do with my suspicion of patriotism, so, grain of salt.
Well, at least ♥ Hodgins and Angela ♥ get a happy, very long Parisian honeymoon. =D
Creator said there might be some new characters coming back to the Jeffersonian, but I wonder if that means SOs for Booth and/or Brennan or a kid for Hodgins and Angela. They're just so cute and dear god, they need to get moving now that they've finally got it together. Didn't Angela want to be the Old Woman living in a shoe? XD
I could take Booth coming back with somebody if it meant Brennan would react, even if it meant a year of simmering jealousy and longing stares (a la Booth for several seasons now). Just so they *both* wind up realizing what they want, make some more progress like in the first what, three-quarters, of this season.
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