Okay, that proves it in my mind: everyone's Sideways' life is better. To wit: Kate is smarter and not a clear-cut murderer; Claire has some newly-discovered support in Kate; Jack bonds with his son - managed to be put together long enough to bring him up somewhat with whoever was his wife, isn't an alcoholic, and appears to be overcoming his Daddy issues; Locke's dad isn't evil, he and Helen are still together, he's no longer in denial about his disability, works with Ben Linus :D ; Sayid... well, Nadia is still alive and he's at least not Ben's assassin for hire (Sayid is just unfortunate and apparently pretty much a badass killer through and through).
In this ep, sure, Sideways!Ben doesn't get the appreciation he deserves, except from the person who counts the most, Alex, daughter or not :) Even his dad isn't a horrible human being; they seem to have a real relationship, and Ben cares =O And he does the right thing by Alex in at least one reality. Hey, he's got the mentorinig with Alex and his History Club and maybe one day he will be principal, but he's managed this long in that life, so as long as he can help one student every so often, I think he'll be okay.
Sideways!Locke's suggestion did remind me of Smokey some, which, if you have listened to the extensive ODI LOST podcasts, you'll hear plenty about the worlds bleeding into each other in subtle ways. Very intriguing stuff.
On Island:
Hmm, still pondering the whole Miles communes with ashes when he couldn't before. Was it just 'cause he would have had to go the place the kid's ashes were scattered, then it would've been okay? Or maybe Jacob's ashes are just special ::shrugs::
After Smokey lets digging-his-own-grave-literally!Ben go, that scene with Ilana ;_; Great, great acting by Emerson there. Really being pulled in two directions by him and O'Quinn in terms of who should get/be up for an Emmy next year. Such a powerful scene, and good decisions were made by both parties there as well. Ilana embracing the nonmurderous energy of the deities (currently appears to be centered on the Jacob side) and Ben finally putting aside his quest for Island control when, really, it doesn't matter much anymore. It's not for him, though whether it's for Widmore instead... don't know about that.
Damn that periscope was an example of poor CGI =P Also, where is Desmond???
RIchard and Jack scene:
Any goodwill gained toward Jack from "Lighthouse" evaporated as he danced around like a maniac, suddenly a total Jacob convert o_O Seriously, what? One magic mirror smash and you're his go-to-boy? No further questions asked? Taking he conversion to full-on man of faith a bit too far, a shift too quick in my mind. Damn, I hope it's a feint. =P Got some awesome bitter!Richard scenes though, and some nice info. Slave ship backstory, come on up! =D
Still sticking to my Jacob = MIB, two halves of a whole theory. Really love that theory.
The lack of Sawyer will at last be remedied next week, thank god. Three weeks and not one nickname tossed about ("the Monster", "Evil Incarnate" does not count)? For shame, LOST, for shame.