Dec 08, 2007 22:49
Oh, how I love waking up to beautiful, somewhat unseasonable weather with one of those mood-crushing headaches that last the whole damn day >:( Three ibuprofen didn't work - took a migraine-specific NSAID; four-and-a-half hours later, it's still alive and kicking, having relocated from the back of my head to above my right eye. Spent the day doing errands and trying to ward off caffeine-induced jitters from the NSAID (that's why I avoid aspirin). Got a couple more stars (including a cool hidden green one, surprise for me) in Super Mario Galaxy (officially beat Phantom Hourglass a few days back - awesome). End of S3 Buffy was great to watch, relaxing, but after my shower the headache began beating down hard. I'm startin' to worry.
One of my favorite Vet professors occasionally got wicked migraines, severe enough to cancel class, her husband taking off work to pick her up. I can deal - sorta - with sinus headaches; I really, really don't want to be a migraine sufferer also - I fear it. Sensitivity to light, sound, vomiting and incapacitation, I don't want to deal with that, or be put on any more medication. Hell, I wanted to do some comp coloring tonight and it hurts to be fully upright. Irritating begins to describe it, but I'm hopin' that's as far as it gets.
Could be stress induced; slept bad last night, uncool/forgetful/troubling dreams, and the small ball of frustration during the morning grew to a large one over the course of the day (damn school problems). So tonight I'm simply listenin' to music, reading fan fiction, and lookin' up migraine facts. Least I don't have to drive into the city tomorrow (save that for Thursday, pickin' up my brothers), can sleep in. After today, just shoppin' normally, it's official: we're doin' our Christmas shopping online - it's a mad house out there. Not dealin' with the crowds and noise and shortages - insane. One less source of stress :) How many left, now? (-_-;)