The Scary Shitekitchi

Apr 17, 2012 18:27

So I got out my v4.5 Tamagotchi Connection the other day. I haven't played with it in a while, and I just really love those things. I had bought it at our local Sears a few years back, before they closed down. It was on clearance for like, 6 or 7 bucks! And it has a cool peacock feather design, check it out!

It started out turning into the little star child thing (I haven't learned all the names yet). Then the next day it became an Ura Young Marotchi, which I think is sorta cute, but I like Crackertchi better, which I got last time I played with it. (Of course, he's a boy and my Tama this time was a girl). Then today, it turned into this creepy looking Shitekitchi. I actually kinda like it though. Apparently, some people think it's ugly or scary looking. Which, it's squiggly mouth did kinda throw me off at first. But I decided I actually kinda liked it. It's kinda cute somehow. Unless you press the C button. Don't do it.

Oh god, I said don't do it!

Oh boy, I'm gonna see that in my nightmares.

Anyway, for today's viewing entertainment, I give you Shitekitchi wearing a hat!

God I just love that surprised look in the last frame! I might have to make this my user pic sometime.
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