Shiny Happy Links for August 18, 2003

Aug 18, 2003 09:10

10 Biggest Movie Flops of All Time
'Gigli' may join the elite.

Decade of Rad
The 10 'Eightiest' movies. I don't know about their choices though: no John Hughes in sight.

Sunken Treasure
Civil War shipwreck off Georgia coast may yield $180 million.

Australia to Ban Crossbows and Samurai Swords
You can have my katana when you pry it from my cold, dead figners.

Scientific Creationism
It's more than just an oxymoron: It's a web site!

Iraqis Offer Tips for US Blackout
"Sleep on the roof."

Race Traitor
Hate on honkies.

Scrabbledude Gets Fucked Up
What would we do without the inexaustible supply of asshats here on Livejournal?

Yo, God!
Get your very own God Detector.

Forthright's Phrontistery
Home of all lost words.

Captain Euro!
Gay superhero upholds Welfare, Injustice, and the European Way.

'How to Be Gay' Course Draws Fire in Michigan
Is the content of the course more complicated than 'dress like Captain Euro?'

Asia Needs Billions of Condoms
Take that ancient crumpled thing out of your wallet and send it to them. You know you'll never use it anyway.

Real Life Raiders of the Lost Ark
The hunt for the lost Ark of the Covenant is on.

Idi Amin: A Retrospective
Cannibal, Torturer, Mass Murderer, and the King of Scotland.

Men Are Doomed
The Y chromosome is degrading over time.
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