Random fangirl geeking

Nov 22, 2010 21:16

Because I've got so much going on in my wonderful RL that I've gotten so behind in my fandom life. And I really want to be able to balance them both well.

Fringe episode - 6995 kHz (I'm two episodes behind)
About 32 minutes in (with commercials), I could have sworn that Astrid was in the middle of saying to Walter "Maybe you reversed the pol-" as in, polarity? As in, neutron flow? :D
See, this is my fangirl brain going haywire. PS I think I'm starting to ship Walter/lady in charge of Massive Dynamic. In a strange sort of way. Like Astrid/Walter. The friendship is awesome there. Also: massive hating of Peter/Alt-livia ship. I didn't use to be like this but they forced me to hate it.

Fringe episode - The Abducted
The guy is all like "It's the Candyman. He's back."
My immediate thought: (The Kandyman) Is this a bad thing?
PS: should I be scared that when I searched for 'kandyman' on Google that it said "Related searches: 'bloody mary'."

Doctor Who - the Christmas special is gonna be aired in the US on Christmas with the UK airing for the first time in forever. I'MSOHAPPY. <333 Plus THIS PICTURE. Fighting withdrawals now. I wanna make icons with this even though I'm only just decent at the art.

Buffy reboot without Joss - I'm not liking this one bit. Only way I'd like it remotely right now is if SMG was Buffy again, even if Joss wasn't involved. Plus it's a reboot so there's no Giles/Willow/Xander. NOTHX.

House - I'm just irritated by the previews for this current week's episode. I don't even care that my DVR screwed up and only recorded the second half. I'll get to that episode eventually before the next one airs but I don't like the thought of another people-with-religion/faith/Jesus-are-idiots/wrong episode, because I KNOW I'm not an idiot, which is the massive vibe I'm getting from just the previews.

fringe, tl;dr, fandom, doctor who, tv: house, rant, discussion, tv: btvs

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