Christmas wishlist and all that.

Nov 22, 2010 18:53

I'm LJ-cutting the whole thing just 'cause I don't wanna spam my f-list with it, but I need to put it somewhere that I see often, and this works.

1. Money towards my NYC trip. I found another place to stay, it's way closer and cheaper than the other, and still nice. I've also cut my costs and re-figured prices, and it's gonna run me about $450 for everything if I go alone. (rather than like the close-to-$600 I had figured)

2. 32/64 GB iPod Touch. Yeah, it's like $300 or $400 depending, but I'd like to be able to sell my blue 8GB 3gen iPod Nano to help just a little with it. Amazon lists mine used at around $75-85, so...

3. 1 TB harddrive. $100 at Best Buy. This is actually a necessity, as my computer harddrive is near-bursting, but once I get it I plan to sell my two smaller ones for $50-55 each to basically pay for itself. I just need buyers who are willing to wait a few days so I can buy the big one to transfer stuff over and won't back out so that I'm not out $100 long-term. >_<

4. The second awesome book by Jon Acuff, (author/blogger of my fave blog-turned-book, Stuff Christians Like).
Gazelles, Baby Steps And 37 Other Things Dave Ramsey Taught Me About Debt. This looks awesome and it's like $10.

5. The book Doctor Who and Philosophy. Saw it at B&N for around $17 and it looked great.

6. Serenity (Collector's Edition). $20 at FYE, probably new online for cheaper, who knows. I've been holding out for ages for the Collector's Edition but I never see it anywhere.

7. Rocky Horror Picture Show. $10 at FYE.

8. Various fandom-related things for Doctor Who/Firefly. I mean, I'm not a fan of the new!Who books, but apart from that... a poster to go on my wall, perhaps? Tardis/key necklace would be epic. Wash's license plate frame even though I don't have a car? A Tardis for my desk? SONIC SCREWDRIVER/PSYCHIC PAPER! :D (PS I've determined I'm going as female!Eleven - complete with FEZ and possibly mop - to the HP part two premiere, so his sonic plus help finding costume parts would be good)

9. Some kind of pre-order for the Doctor Who: Revisitations 1 boxset (the one with TV Movie, Caves of Androzani, and another). I don't think it comes out until next year but hey I can dream.

10. The Big Finish Doctor Who audiobook with Five, Six, Seven, and Eight in it. And Daleks. I want that audio drama so bad and I'm only just getting used to hearing a regular audiobook (although Stephen Fry + Harry Potter = excellence).

PS: If my f-list wants to give me a gift without actually spending money, advice/help with putting together a female!Eleven costume (for the HP part 2 premiere/various conventions) would be excellent. And I'm on a budget, so cheaper is better.

christmas, gifts, wish list, i am a crazy person

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