(no subject)

Jun 22, 2007 02:23

I still think that Facebook is fucking depressing. It's amazing how many people I've ended up discovering that I wish I hadn't for one reason or another. Coworkers and past friends that add me (and what am I going to do, not add them back? I'm too nice), ex-boyfriends who seem to have happily moved on (that's against the rules, they're supposed to be miserable or in a ditch) and awkward acquaintances that I'm not sure whether to poke or add or leave the heck alone. And then there's the potential boyfriend, who I've had minor panic attacks that will add me as 'currently dating' before we've had a chance to actually discuss things.

Maybe it's not Facebook. Maybe it's me and my agoraphobia. Or xenophobia. Or fear of... life. One of these days I'm going to have to seek professional help. Or at least find a job that can support a decent alcohol addiction. I'm not picky.

facebook, stress, argh!

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