(no subject)

Jun 07, 2007 23:31

I feel so bad! Poor LJ has been getting ignored since I re-opened my Facebook account. It's not my fault, though... there's just more activity on the 'book right now. So here, LJ, is a little bit of an update.

My life is boring.

For the most part, anyway. There isn't a whole lot to mention. The last few days have been pretty fun, though. Tuesday night I had my regular date with Cthulu and managed to make it out more or less unscathed. Yesterday I spent time with Jordan. His friend tagged along, and the two of them were a bit of handful together, but at one point Jordan said to his friend "I'm really glad I got paired up with Rob. We have a lot of fun." And I couldn't hold anything against him for the rest of the night. Even when he stole my A&W Rootbeer. The lil' bugger.

Today was an exciting day, aside from the struggle to get out of bed in the morning. I went at met the Krys-type-Panda-person down at the Old Spaghetti Factory for the 'Date with a gay man' I've owed her since the dawn of time. It was great catching up with her, and the food was, as usual, pretty fantastic. The server was pretty hot, too, and Krys seems to think he was checking me out. I'm certainly not complaining. After dinner we wandered around the Quay for awhile. Most of the shops were closed, but we spent time on the peer and just goofed around. Around 6:30 we jumped on the Skytrain over to Lougheed, where I convinced her it was 'just a short walk' over to the John B's on Austin. At least, it had seemed like a short walk when I did it drunk a couple months back. It was more like 40 minutes. Ah well.

The party at John B's was a blast. Got to see a bunch of people I don't see nearly enough (and drink a healthy amount while I was at it). I'm going to miss Karen over the summer, but it's a fantastic opportunity she's headed off to, and she's promised to take lots of pictures. I'll have to use her absence as an excuse to harass people I seldom see otherwise, since she's always been so good at getting me out of the house when I'd otherwise just sit at home on here. Anyway, a $45 tab later (and sadly, I wasn't even tipsy) I bussed back home, where I've been doing my typical lounging since.

Tomorrow I have a few errands to run in the afternoon, and then Games Night at Drexoll to attend. Unfortunately I'm missing out on sushi with a bunch of people, but at this point I can't afford it anyway. I've got to be good and keep my credit and debit cards at home for the next week if I'm going to take a decent chunk out of my VISA bill by the end of the month and still have money for the occasional coffee.

I'll try to update this thing more often, even if it's only to link to interesting things across the internets. Until then, hope everyone has an awesome week.

~ Rob

drinking, friends, pandas

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