(no subject)

May 15, 2007 13:36

The only word that comes to mind is "Wow".

Last night's Heroes - despite lacking the heart of 'Company Man' - was quite possibly the best of the season thus far. I only wish I could fast-forward through the rest of the week to get to the season finale.

In other good news... NBC has announced a 30-episode run for Season 2 of Heroes - the first 24 of which will air concurrently and the last six, labelled 'Origins' will serve as one-shots introducing six new 'heroes'. Viewers will then have the chance to vote on which of these new characters they would like to see integrated into the series third season. It's a bit gimmicky, but I like it.

Trade magazines are also reporting today that the CW has renewed Supernatural for a third season. Thank god. Unfortunately, my beloved Veronica Mars is still on the fence, and whether a fourth season is produced may depend on the numbers generated by next week's season/series finale. I hope that the 'hand-me-downs' viewers from tonight's Gilmore Girls series finale are enough to give it the boost it needs.

And now I'm off to meet a friend and to go see Hot Fuzz. Hope everyone's having as great a week as I am so far.

~ Rob
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