(no subject)

May 14, 2007 01:44

The one time I get a cute, witty and seemingly gay guy through my till and have a practical chance to flirt, I happen to look absolutely terrible... 5 hours sleep and a breakout will do that to you. Typical and entirely depressing.

I really need to go out on a date. Or at the very least go out somewhere, get good and tipsy and go home with a handsome stranger. I haven't done that in a long... ever. But I think it'd do me some good. If I had a decent picture of myself from the last half a decade, I'd probably break down and sign up to a dating site. Seeing as that's not the case, I'll probably just stay in this hopeless rut for at least another year.

At least my TV boyfriend is getting some air-time this week, so I'll have someone to make wistful sighs over.
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