*blinks blearily*

Mar 28, 2012 20:21

Benedict Cumberbatch, what were you doing in my dream? And I slept an hour longer than I wanted. Fail. (Not surprised Bek was there since I think were were there to meet him?)

Well, my one teacher says my writing is getting better (miglioramento, lei ha detto!). This is funny since my OTHER teacher thinks I don't know the difference between avere and essere. >>;; (Okay, that was my fault, but I really don't know how I did that; I think I get nervous writing for her because I don't like her.) ALSO, she thinks I don't know the difference before an interista and a milanista. The FUCK I don't. That is NOT something you go to Italy, talk about soccer, and DON'T know about, man.

Fuck Milan. No, really fuck that. Stronzi di Berlusconi. >>;;

Oh! Then in my Italian Business class, I got an A- on my last exercise thingy. <3 Which was a bit of bullshit, BUT I DO NOT CARE! *goes to put this and her better writing on the FRIDGE!*

RANDOM! HI NEW SHERLOCK FRIENDS! I SWEAR I AM NOT MADE OF CURSES! ...okay, I'm partially made of cursing, BUT umm... Yeah, no way to redeem me here. It's not like I'm made of much else like kittens or something. Used to be made porny fanfiction, but SCHOOL HAS EATEN ME. D: Maybe I'll fix that with the next Porn Battle or when classes are over the semester. @_@

dreams, wtf?, calcio/soccer/world cup awesome, deduce this sherlock, language is fun, college, beeeeeeeek

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