I'm a bad, bad girl who did this in class, 'cept I didn't finish this until after class. XD Stolen from
1) Post a list of up to 30 books/movies/anime/TV shows/video games/bands etc. that you've had an obsessive fannish love or interest in at some time in your life.
2) Have your f-list guess your favourite pairings from each item. (my go-to OTP for that fandom)
3) When someone guesses correctly, strikethrough the item and put the name of the guesser next to the Fandom. (Since I'm me, I'll list if it's an OT3 and not an OTP; I'm nice like that, >>;; Yeah. You can guess as much as you like. Buona fortuna, carissimi. I did a bit more than 30 because I felt like it, and it added more comic fandoms. Shh.)
01. BBC Sherlock (OT3 or OTP will be taken here)
aravistarkheena guessed Moran/Moriarty DON'T JUDGE ME!
02. New Doctor Who (Well, there're two OT3s and an OTP)
daggerpen guessed Doctor/Amy/Rory, Doctor/Rose/Jack, and Jack/Doctor
03. Titans v1 (Definitely an OTP lurking here)
aravistarkheena guessed Roy/Grant
04. Death Note (Mainly OTP, but OT3 answer works here too)
aravistarkheena guessed Matt/Mello
05. Kingdom Hearts II (OTP, definitely)
aravistarkheena guessed Axel/Roxas (Even if she just remembered them as 'Ice Cream Boys', XD)
06. Batman (comics...OTP)
daggerpen AND
scraplove guessed Jason/Tim (Really, this was the easiest of them all, XD)
07. Hetalia (OTP here too, may have two, but one will always win over the other)
black_lacie guessed Spain/Romano (Sorry, FrUK. XD)
08. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (OTP, definitely)
pervyficgirl guessed
09. Angel the Series (Maybe two OTPs; depends if I'm feeling evil or not)
pervyficgirl guessed Cordy/Angel AND Darla/Drusilla (Though, she says she needed some help with the second; SOMEONE was NOT drunk, she says? XD <3 I believe her. Really.)
10. Final Fantasy: Dissidia (Yes, definitely an OTP)
11. Final Fantasy VII (OTP, but I shall take OT3/OT4, perhaps)
aubreys_master guessed Zack/Cloud
12. Captain America (comics, OTP...two OT3s if it's the movie)
aubreys_master guessed Peggy/Howard/Steve and Bucky/Steve AND
pervyficgirl guessed Bucky/Steve/Peggy
13. Avatar the Last Airbender (Another OTP)
daggerpen guessed Zuko/Katara
14. Harry Potter (Depending on the era, there are 2 OTPs)
shobogan guessed Remus/Sirius AND
pervyficgirl guessed Draco/Hermione
15. Full Metal Alchemist (Definite OTP here too)
aravistarkheena guessed Roy/Ed
16. Black Dagger Brotherhood (Well...there's almost two OTPs, but nope)
aravistarkheena guessed Qhuinn/Blay
17. Gravitation (OTP clue: look at my LJ name, not that it helps)
18. Old Doctor Who (OT3, if I tell you what old Doctors I watched, you'll have an answer too fast)
shobogan guessed Five/Tegan/Nyssa
19. Yu Yu Hakusho (OTP here too)
aravistarkheena guessed Kurama/Hiei
20. Yu-Gi-Oh! (Mmm, another OTP)
21. Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (Well, the OTP I have after a re-watch and the one I shipped as a kid are not the same; I'll except either)
pervyficgirl guessed Tommy/Kimberly (My OTP as a kid; DON'T JUDGE ME!) (My now pairing...? >>;; )
22. General Hospital (OTP, but if you add the right character, you have my OT3)
kyrdwyn guessed Jason/Lucky/Sam (OTP is Jason/Sam, though. XD)
23. Final Fantasy IV (OTP, but same as above; add another character for OT3)
24. Doctor Who: Eighth Doctor Adventures (OT3, yeah)
shobogan guessed Doctor/Fitz/Sam
25. Robin (Well, two OTPs can work here, but the other one is really the answer for Batman)
daggerpen guessed Steph/Tim
26. Thor (movie, I may take two answers since one OTP is...not my fault?)
dizmo guessed Loki/Coulson, WHICH IS MOSTLY HER FAULT. XD
27. Final Fantasy X-2 (OTP)
28. Kingdom Hearts (OT3, and I don't take them any other way)
29. Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (OT3, definitely, though some princess OTPs are there too)
30. The New Titans (depending on which comics, I have an OT3 and OTP, both have nothing to do with the other, but both definitely from the last 50 or so issues)
pervyficgirl guessed Mirage/Terra AND Roy/Grant/Kyle
31. Final Fantasy XII (OTP)
32. Power Girl (most obvious OTP in the world)
aravistarkheena guessed Peej/Terra (How did you guys NOT even try this one? XD)
33. Justice Society of America (OT3, I has one here)
pervyficgirl guessed Jesse/Rick/Grant
34. Avengers (comics, so I can have an OTP and/or OT3, depending who's around)
bunnywan guessed Clint/Bucky AND
pervyficgirl guessed Steve/Bucky/Clint
35. Supergirl v5 (OTP that needs more love)
bunnywan guessed Owen/Kara