Title: New Wonder Family
Fandom: DCU
Character(s): Donna, Steph
Pairing(s): pre-Donna/Steph
Word Count: 327
Genre: general/family
Rating: PG/K+
Notes: For
modestroad at my random pairings meme. This one will most likely become a series. Steph as Wonder Girl! Enjoy. <3
Meme ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
At first being Spoiler and taking down her dad was good enough for her, eventually, Steph started to feel out of place, almost like part of her was missing. Then she met Wonder Woman, and all the pieces started to come together.
Arthur Brown was never her father. That was probably why he locked her in closets and never said a nice word to her. He knew he wasn't, but he 'loved' Crystal Brown, so he stuck through it. Apparently, Steph's real father was the god of all Greek gods, Zeus.
Steph still found it shocking, but when Zeus gave her Wonder powers, she had never felt more complete. Flying without a grapple line was one of the most amazing feelings in the world. Though, not as amazing as flying with Wonder Woman and the original Wonder Girl.
"Wow, I can be Wonder Girl? Really?" Steph asked excitedly, feeling as if even without her powers of flight, she'd be floating off the ground anyway.
Donna gave her a grin. "I haven't used the name in a long time, and you are definitely Wonder Girl material, Steph."
Steph beamed then hugged Donna tightly. "Oh, thank you!" she exclaimed.
Patting Steph's back, Donna laughed. "I'm glad to pass it on to you," she replied, fondly ruffling Steph's hair. "Oh, I heard there's a new team of young superheroes forming. Young Justice? Maybe you'd like to check it out."
"Do you think they'd want me? Who's on the team?"
"Robin, Superboy, and Impulse," Donna told her as she let go of the hug. "They operate out of the old JLA headquarters in Happy Harbor. Why don't you pay them a visit?"
Steph's grin widened when Robin and Superboy were mentioned. "I will! Wanna fly with me there, Donna?"
Donna smiled. "Of course, little sister," she answered before flying off. "Try to keep up!"
"Hey!" Steph shouted indignantly before laughing as she flew as fast as she could to keep up.