DCU Fanfic: Undercover Groupie

Nov 02, 2010 19:34

Title: Undercover Groupie
Fandom: DCU
Character(s): Steph, Zatara
Pairing(s): Steph/Zachary
Word Count: 540
Genre: general
Rating: PG-13/T
Notes: For ng83_writings at my random pairings meme. Takes place during Batgirl v3 canon? Sorta. Mostly.
Link: Meme


Her first undercover mission as Batgirl looked like an easy one. All she had to do was play groupie at a few magic shows and make sure she got backstage to watch over who the target was. The last few nights had been easy. That was until she had to watch the show of the 'World's Greatest Teen Magician.' Steph could barely stand to be around these swooning groupies, let alone who she had protect by the end of the performance.

This particular villain was targeting all the best magicians he could find in Gotham, and both Zataras had shows tonight. Black Canary was covering Zatanna while Steph got Zachary. Once backstage, she couldn't help but feel she got a raw deal from Oracle on this mission.

“Oh Zachary, you were so wonderful tonight!” one of the groupies cried, her eyes shining with admiration and whatever else Steph was supposed to be faking.

“I know, I know,” Zatara told them. “You girls are terribly lucky to get backstage with me.”

“Very lucky,” another one said in a low tone then a giggle. “So lucky.”

If Steph had Batgirl senses, they would be tingling. That girl was the bad guy. She must have came here for an appetizer then left Zatanna as the main course. Lucky me, Steph thought as she pushed through the crowd and wrapped her arms around Zatara's neck.

“Let me be the lucky one that gets to see your dressing room, Zatara,” she purred as seductively as possible, wondering in the back of her mind if Babs ever had to do anything like this as Batgirl.

Zatara quirked an eyebrow at that. “Well, aren't you forward.”

Steph let the fake smirk come to her lips. “Let's call it driven,” she replied.

The other groupies started to protest, and Steph could feel the burn of their eyes at her back, especially the one targeting Zatara. “I like that in a lady,” he told her then dismissed the other girls.

Inwardly sighing in relief, Steph followed Zatara to his dressing room. Once inside with the door shut behind them, Zatara tossed his hat onto the awaiting mannequin head perched on his dresser. Now that they were alone, Steph could drop the act.

“Zata-” she began.

“Now,” Zatara cut her off, “who are you? Clearly, you're not one of my lovely lady admirers.”

Steph caught herself before she scowled to instead look at him with confusion. “What? Of course, I-”

“No, you are not,” her interrupted her again. “The ladies call me by my first name. Explain yourself.”

“I'm here to protect you,” Steph stated which earned her a skeptical look. “Yeah, yeah, World's Greatest Teen Magician, but there's someone watching over Zatanna too, so get over it.”

Zatara's eyes narrowed. “Who are you?” he asked again.

“Hmm, I wonder. A girl protecting you in Gotham City, whoever could I be?” Steph offered sarcastically, and Zatara glared. “Batgirl. Can I change behind that screen without you taking a peek, Mister World's Greatest Teen Magician?”

With a scoff, Zatara stepped sideways to clear her way to then screen. “You seem to think me as some sort of pervert. I'm a complete gentleman.”

Steph just walked past him to get changed.

character: zachary zatara, fandom: dcu, fanfiction, character: steph brown, pairing: steph/zachary, meme: random pairings

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