Title: Blue Canary In The Outlet By The Light Switch
Fandom: DCU
Character(s): Dinah, Roy, Tim
Pairing(s): pre-Roy/Tim?
Word Count: 184
Genre: general/humor
Rating: PG/K+
Notes: Fic or Treat for
darthbatgirl. You get cookies if you know the song I'm referencing with the title. Blue Canary being Dinah's sidekick is something I was going to do for Jason, but I can do it for Timmy too (which means I'm not writing more of this, dammit). XD Roy has to Arrow train Dinah's new sidekick.
Fic or Treat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Roy really didn't understand why Dinah would pick up a sidekick, but the kid was good, apparently. He was actually more of a detective than anything else, he had heard. Roy was sure the kid would have been a Robin had Batman not died in Ethiopia after killing the Joker.
Dinah smiled as she left, telling her sidekick not to freak out her boyo too much. The boy sidekick just gave a sheepish grin and nodded before turning to Roy. “Dinah said you were going to teach me some archery,” he said in lieu of a real greeting.
Roy smirked, looking down at the kid. “Yeah, but first we shou-”
“I already have a bow for my size and a quiver full of arrows,” he interrupted.
Roy's look soured. “Okay, Blue Canary, was it? I'm in charge, and until Dinah comes back, you listen to me,” he stated in his best strict voice.
From the sly smile and nod he got, Roy had a feeling this was going to be the weirdest training session he'd had in a long time.