Title: Unusual Drinking Buddies
Fandom: DCU/Marvel
Character(s): Jason, Bucky
Pairing(s): pre-Bucky/Jason
Word Count: 156
Genre: general
Rating: PG-13/T
Notes: Fic or Treat for
cat_13145. Jason and Bucky meet at a bar, and things just go from there.
Fic or Treat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“Oh, fuck you.”
“Is that a challenge, Jason?”
“No, it was a statement stating that you should fuck off.”
“We just met, and you're already telling me to fuck off. What gives?”
“You were friends with the Dick.”
“Sort of, I guess. I doubt he'd actually talk to me now.”
“And why is that, Bucky?”
“Because you Bats seem to have a strict no kill policy, which I get, but-”
“Wait, wait, you've killed people?”
“I was brainwashed, and mostly only when completely necessary-”
“Dude, I take it back. You're nothing like the Dick, and we can totally be friends.”
“...anyone ever tell you you're crazy?”
“A few, but they learn their lesson after the first time.”
That made Bucky snort before he order them both another round of beers, deciding Jason's company even if a little crazy, was okay company to have.