Title: A Dream So Close
Fandom: DCU
Character(s): Firion, Tidus
Pairing(s): pre-Firion/Tidus
Word Count: 175
Genre: general/friendship
Rating: G/K
comment_fic request. Prompt: "Final Fantasy (any), author's choice, "reaching for something in the distance/so close you can almost taste it" [Natasha Bedingfield - Unwritten]." Yay, I finally got around to some Dissidia fic! Yeah, I wrote this after gaming all day, hush. Firion has a dream, and he wants to share it with his friends.
comment_fic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Firion had a dream, and now, it was so close he could almost taste it. Well, not taste it, so much as smell a world where wild roses could grow, untamed by harshness of an unfair empire. The final battle was almost upon them, and with all his friends, he could make his dream a reality. He was so close as he turned the wild rose in his hand, taking in its beauty.
“Hey, Rosebud, what are you up to?” Tidus asked, plopping down next to him and shaking him from his reverie.
“Thinking of a world covered in wild roses,” he replied giving Tidus a side glance with a smile. “A world I'd like to share with all my new friends.”
Tidus returned the smile, bigger and better. “I'd like to see it too,” he said easily, laying back on the grass, arms behind his head. “It's close, I just know it. You'll reach it soon.”
Firion smiled fondly at Tidus, and he just knew the blond was right.