Title: Men! Who Needs 'Em?
Fandom: DCU
Character(s): Grace Choi, Ice
Pairing(s): Grace/Tora
Word Count: 118
Genre: General
Rating: PG-13/T
Notes: More dialogue fic. Grace listens to Ice bitch about Guy Gardner and gives a suggestion. Sorta references a conversation between Guy and Tora in Green Lantern Corps. #29. Not really a spoiler, but makes more sense knowing it.
Link: N/A
“That man-! Oh! I didn't know anyone was in here. We haven't met. I'm Ice.”
“Grace. Looks like you need to vent, Icy.”
“Uh, well... No, no, I'm fine. Just a little frustrated.”
“Who's the man?”
“Is it that obvious?”
“Just a bit.”
“Ugh, it's Guy Gardner! He just can't understand that I need a life on Earth.”
“He's a Lantern, right?”
“He has a life away from you, but he can't have you do the same?”
“Exactly! Oh, that man!”
“So you two are on the outs right now?”
“I guess so.”
“Would you like to have a life away from him right now?”
“Of course! I- oh, was that an invitation?
“...then I accept.”