Title: Back In Business
Fandom: DCU
Character(s): Greta, Cassie, Cissie
Pairing(s): N/A
Word Count: 909
Genre: General/Friendship
Rating: PG/K+
Notes: After Shh, It's A Secret as well as an interlude between Aut Vincere Aut Mori and Hurt No More. Cassie ran away, and her safe-haven was Greta and Cissie's dorm.
Link: N/A
It had been weeks since the death of her puppet self and receiving her powers back, but somehow, Greta was still surprised when someone came into her dorm through the window. At least it was not more puppets.
“Cassie?” Greta questioned from her spot on her bed, unfinished homework in her lap.
Cassie had flown in and crashed on Cissie's bed, burrowing her face into the pillow. Greta bit her lip as she floated over to investigate. “Cassie? Are you all right?” she asked quietly.
A sniffle was her answer before the dorm door opened. “Hey, Greta. I-” Cissie stopped mid-sentence, kicking the door close behind her before rushing over to sit on her bed. “Cassie? What's wrong?”
Cassie sat up, tears running down her face. “I was so angry, but once I got away from the Tower, the anger melted away. Now all I'm left with is nothing,” she explained. “I don't think I fit in with the Titans anymore. At least, not how I thought I fit...”
Cissie furrowed her brow as she pulled Cassie into a comforting hug. “Oh, Cassie, what happened?”
“I told you about Kon, right? How he was keeping secrets from me...” she swallowed. “Well, now that secret came full circle. He's hurting, and I can't even be around him to help him. Tim even told me to leave, so he could comfort him. Said I would put him on an emotional roller coaster that Kon didn't need.”
“Tim's just a big meanie!” Greta interjected, and Cassie and Cissie looked at her funny. She blushed. “Um, that might be residual bitterness from Young Justice. Sorry, continue.”
Cassie opened her mouth continue, but noticed that Greta was floating a few inches off the ground. “Oh my god, Greta, you're floating!”
Greta looked down. “Oh!” she exclaimed before planting her feet back on the ground. “I haven't gotten used to flying again yet.”
“Again? What did I miss?” she asked, looking from Greta to Cissie.
“A long story, one that happened while I was practicing my archery, and Greta was visited by some puppets-”
“Young Justice puppets?” Cassie questioned.
Greta nodded. “They were puppets of you, me and Cissie from Young Justice. They were adorable!” she frowned. “Though, they came here because the puppet me was dying. She gave me her powers as her dying wish. ...it was really strange, actually.”
“The puppet died? I didn't think that they could...”
Greta pulled out the puppet of herself. “I've been keeping her as memento, to remember her for giving me my power back,” she said, fondly the unmoving puppet's hair. “I've been thinking about becoming Secret again. Maybe help the Teen Titans?”
Greta looked to Cassie, hopeful look in her eyes as she pocketed the puppet of herself again. “We'd have to ask Tim, since he's team leader, but I don't think he'd mind,” Cassie stated, looking over to Cissie. “We have a Speedy, but I think she'd really benefit from your help, Cissie.”
Cissie bit her lip. “I dunno, Cassie...”
“I know having you both on the team would help me. I have no idea where I fit in anymore, but I think it'd be easier to find my place with two of my best friends at my side.”
“We accept!” Greta announced, but cut off Cissie before she could object. “Cissie, I know you miss it as much as I do. Now that I've been honing my powers for the past few weeks, I have no reason not to go back. You've been practicing your archery more than ever, so you don't have a good reason to not join either!”
Cissie really tried to fight Greta, but when she saw a hopeful, happy look she had not really seen since their carefree days in Young Justice, she folded. “Think they'd really not mind some new members? It might get really crowded,” Cissie conceded.
Greta grinned, floating from the ground again, hugging Cissie and Cassie. “This is going to be great! Let's go now!” Greta exclaimed, about to fly out the window.
Cassie grabbed Greta's hand quickly. “Can we wait until tomorrow? I really don't want to go back today...”
“You can stay with us, and we'll head over to the Tower tomorrow,” Cissie decided, noticing Greta staring out the window. “Greta?”
Greta quickly made herself non-corporeal and flew out the window. Cassie and Cissie ran to follow her out the window, but Greta had flown back in almost as quickly as she had flown out. “There's explosions happening near the Tower!” Greta exclaimed, worry creasing her features.
Cassie's eyes widened. “Oh no. Oh god, maybe-” Cassie muttered to herself before making sure her lasso was secured at her side before flying out the window.
Cissie ran to the window and leaned out. “Cassie, wait!” she yelled futilely.
Greta flew into Cissie's closet and tossed her Arrowette uniform that she had not had the heart to put into storage. Cissie caught it with ease, slipping into the familiar costume as Greta quickly grabbed the quiver, arrows, and bows that were by Cissie's bed, handing them to her when she finished getting dressed. Cissie secured her mask and looked to Greta who was floating by the window, holding out her hand.
“Let's go help our friends!” Cissie exclaimed as she grabbed Greta's outstretched hand.
They flew out the window, in pursuit of Cassie to help out however they could. Secret and Arrowette were back in business.