(no subject)

May 01, 2007 22:18

Today was good, but also had some bad. Which is better than having nothing to report at all.

In multimedia 1st period, we had a sub. The same sub we always had -- Ms. Jones' aunt or some such relative. She's really rude, stupid, and is constantly patrolling the room making sure you're on task. The last part I would normally be okay with, because that's what subs should do to keep idiotic kids in check, but she has a tendency to patrol the wrong damn people.
In this particular class, we were working on our final exam review. That's all well and good, but I don't have my notes anymore. I don't really remember where they went. So, I couldn't answer half the questions, and I was much too tired to put any effort into trying to find the answer on the internet. In an attempt to kill time, I doodled a little thing at the bottom of the page. I was five seconds away from finishing when the sub comes up to me and asks me what I'm doing. I told her I didn't know the answers to the rest of the questions. She told me that I could just start copying the review for our open-notes test. That'd be okay, but I'm a perfectionist. When I copy stuff, I don't wanna leave blank spaces to fill in later -- what if I run out of room? It won't look right, and it'll bother me. I tried to explain this to her, but she just. didn't. get it. UGH.
This went on for a while. She even went around the classroom asking if someone could let me borrow their notes -- but guess what! No one had theirs either! They were all in the same position I was in, only they didn't care and put whatever first came to their mind as the answer as opposed to me actually wanting the correct answer.
She told me she was going to tell Ms. Jones, and I said okay. Ms. Jones thinks fairly high of me. Enough to know that I don't pull shit in the classroom and I'm a good worker. So I figured if she's going to get mad at me, it won't be severe. Class ends, I laugh it off and forget it. Screw that sub, I have my own damn study habits.

You know what I find adorable? Daniel holds doors open for people. Sometimes when Chelsea is taking her time getting out of class, he'll hold the door open. And then today, we had a fire drill, and what did he do? Sweet guy held the door open for everyone. ^^ And man, he must be really close to Ninja-sempai or something, because he always runs off to talk to him.
Daniel saw me carrying my Nintendo Power Twilight Princess guide, and asked me if I had a Wii. I told him no, I was borrowing Derek's to play Zelda. I watched as that annoyingly adorkable smile appeared on his face. I laughed and told him, "I know what you're thinking, and don't say anything." I turned back to Chelsea since she was telling me a story, and she says to me my face is very red. I think that only made it worse because just then I became very aware of it. I turned back to Daniel, who had asked me if I borrowed any games from Derek, like Super Monkey Ball. (He made a perverted joke on that a couple months ago.) I told him no, I'm playing my own Zelda. AGH. That smile. XD Siiigh...
We were working in partners today in Spanish. Chelsea came over to my desk for a while, but she wasn't feeling well so she just sat there while I finished my math homework. Then she decided to move back over to her desk, so I followed her. Daniel had finished his work by then and decided to sit in front of our desks on the floor. Chelsea commented on how black his hair was (which I didn't get it -- it's just black. so? it's not like, UBER BLACK or something.) and a couple other things I don't remember. Eventually I found a break in the conversation to tell Daniel I had watched the Silk Road Saga, which was the 'sequel' he was talking about. Then he turned to me and asked if I had seen the Mario frustration video with commentary. Before he even finished saying 'frustration' I interrupted him with, "You mean the one with commentary?" And he said yes. I was completely stunned. A fellow Nintendork, RubixsQube, was the one who did the voice-over. I told him I knew the guy who did it, and he laughed. I found that very creepy -- a clashing of worlds. My online life and my offline life. Strange feeling.
Class was about to end, though, so eventually he started helping us finish our worksheets. During this, he asked me why Travis had been hunting him down, and who the other guy was. I told him about Patrick, but refused to explain their motives to him. I think he knows, though. On our way to 6th period I said to him that if Travis talks or asks him anything, to completely ignore him. Daniel opted for giving him random, unrelated answers, hoping to confuse him. XD
When I walked into my 6th period both Patrick and Travis laughed at me. ;-;

In 7th period, I had just gotten back from talking with my counselor (hooray for getting .5 PE credit over summer!), when Ms. Jones calls me out of class. She looks kinda irritated. I immediately know what's wrong, and kinda shoot Phillip a "oh god" look.
She takes me into the hallway, and immediately begins to rip into me about this morning. Well, she wasn't really ripping into me, as, I was right, she didn't believe the sub at first when she told Ms. Jones my name. In fact, Ms. Jones took 2 minutes emphasizing that she just didn't believe the sub at first. This whole time I was just saying "yes, I know, I'm sorry, etc." Exactly what she wants to hear. I'm very good at this, in case you haven't noticed. I used to get in trouble a lot. Ah, elementary, good times, good times.
She told me I was arguing with the sub, which I told her I didn't mean to argue -- which was TRUE. I was calmly attempting to explain to her my study habits, but of course she didn't buy it. Sorry I don't conform, teacher, I'll try harder to lose my sense of individuality.
But, I did learn that she wasn't going to give us the answers, which is what I was waiting for. So, okay, let us study a possibly incorrect review. Whatever. I told her I was sorry again, and she pretty much told me not to do it again. k fine leave me alone now plzthx D<

I sat outside until 5 with Derek in order to get a ride home. I don't know what to think of Derek. Sometimes he's really annoying, other times he's fun to talk to. But what I do know? He's very. VERY. perverted. Haha. Everything is a sexual innuendo with him.
I was going to invite him over for dinner but his mother said no. I'm afraid I'm wearing out my welcome by getting a ride home too often. :/

Didn't get to play Zelda today. ): I completely collapsed on my bed. And now I have a huge map assignment for world geography... But I'm enjoying doodling a little ink design way too much.

Did I ever say that my headphones are now useless? Yeah, Ginger finally got to them. I have two back-up headphones, but they're both shitty. It's getting harder and harder to enjoy my music.

My next art project is designing a shirt. I think I'm going to take the winged Triforce logo, modify it slightly (since we aren't allowed to use pre-existing logos), and put it on the front. However, I have no clue what to do with the back...

VerusMaya II
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