(no subject)

Apr 19, 2007 21:01

TAKS math test was today. I'm glad, however, that the morning was like any other school day. I met up with everyone in front of the library and we went to go double check our classrooms. Daniel caught up with us. He was wearing his taekwon do gear... o_o It looked really good on him, actually. He's a black belt... He said that wearing that was probably going to be the most fun he'll have all day.

The TAKS test itself was easy. I was honestly surprised. I normally don't get worked up over TAKS, but this year the review packets terrified me -- I could barely finish them. (Though I guess it didn't help that I've been emotionally unstable for a week) So, I was very relieved when I flew through the test.
Unfortunately, that left me with over two hours with nothing to do. Not to mention the room I was in was the coldest I've been in a long time...

Chelsea has off-campus skating during first period, so she joined me in my multimedia class since she needed a place to go. We had a sub, and she got on our case for talking a bit, but I mostly came up with good excuses to get her to go away. I feel closer to Chelsea now that we both know each other's secrets. It seems that she decided to change her mind, she won't tell the guy she likes that she, well, likes him... I don't know what's worse -- never asking, and wondering forever, or asking, and risking rejection?

Second period was uneventful, other than that it seems that this is the time of year where I am finally accepted. It was like this last year in Frisco. By now, people know me. (For the most part). I'm talking more openly. I feel like a part of the group now, and I cannot describe how much that means to me.
Third period, more taunting with both Michaels. They're great guys. Michael Redlinger is very funny and witty, has a good personality, and is very intelligent. He especially likes to taunt me. I'm glad he moved to third period, it would be difficult to survive otherwise.
Fourth period we just worked on our paper mache project. I don't like 3D things...

I figured there was no gaming club this week, because of TAKS, but I caught up with Andria and it turns out gaming club was still being held. Needless to say I was very happy -- more time spent with my friends, and it saved me from walking home.
So Andria, Clint, and I went to the club. Derek caught up with us later, and a while after Daniel joined us. (I lit up a bit when I heard the other members say, "Hey, it's the ninja.") It's amazing, how much his presence changes everything. Before he came, everyone was sort of just sitting around looking for something to do.
With him, he brought his gear. He had two belts -- one said his name, and the other, a different version. I'm assuming that's his Korean name. Heheh. ^^;
His ninja-sempai (a senior Korean, who seems to get along with Daniel. I bet he goes to the same church XD) joked with him about wearing a headband and/or putting it over one eye. I noted that it reminded me of Riku (from Deep Dive? I think?) and that started a little talk on Kingdom Hearts, which then degenerated into Pokemon. Ninja-sempai wanted to show Daniel something, so they went over to the computers. Derek took this opportunity to steal one of Daniel's belts, and went on to wrap it around his waist. I kept hitting him with my sketchbook, telling him to put it back. (Those belts look great, I don't want him to abuse them~) Of course, he didn't listen to me, and when Daniel came back, Derek asked him to pull one side of the belt to "squeeze him." (His words!) Daniel, being Daniel, did so. No one would take the other side, though, since we are people with common sense. Ohoho.
So Derek turned himself into a yoyo. He twirled away and to Daniel. Clint recorded a video of it on his phone, but he deleted it. Curse you, Clint!!1one During this lull in the action, Daniel brought out a digital camera. He looked like he was recording, actually. He kept the camera trained on me for a bit, while Clint showed me the video he just took. x_x; And when Ninja-sempai tried to take it from him, as his defense, Daniel quickly moved and TOOK A PICTURE. Ninja-sempai was like "What was the point of that?" and I said he just stole his soul. Ninja-sempai said "What soul?!" as he was walking away, and Daniel called out, "Your commie soul!" (He was wearing a commie shirt, lulz)
So throughout this, we are all being very perverted. And when I say 'we' I mean me, Derek, and Daniel. I started hitting Derek with my sketchbook over and over, Jess-style. :P He kept getting creepier. I only remember one line that Daniel really liked: "I sense resistance from you." I wish I could remember the others, but just rest assured that they are equally creepy creepy creepy. It went on like that. Daniel stole my seat, so I stole Derek's, who kept being creepy, so I got up to hit him, and he stole his seat back. Etc. Completely unintentional, but that's how it went. He later settled to sit on an almost-broken table. Except then he stole my sketchbook from me, so I tried to get it back from him, but he threw it to Daniel, who -- goddamn him -- tossed it back to Derek. Etc. etc. etc.
Eventually Clint got a hold of it, and thank him for being so sweet, he gave it to me. So one page is bent slightly, but that's the extent of the damage. Thankfully, too. I have good drawings in that sketchbook.
Conversation resumed after that, sort of.
Sometime during this, Daniel randomly asked me if I still hug my jacket.
To make this understandable, remember when I squee'd that he wore my jacket all day? When I got it back from him, my mother was driving up, so I had to go. I quickly said to him that my mother had asked me if I was going to keep hugging it, and I had told her yes. I left after that. I'm surprised he remembered this.
I told him no, I don't, since it was washed, and added as an afterthought that it had been up to North Carolina and needs to be washed again, which is why I haven't worn it that often lately. It took him a second to understand the NC bit, but he got it. I don't think I've ever met a guy my age that's so observant and remembers trivial things... So his response was a simple "Oh." Not unhappy, not happy. Just pleasant in a "Is that so?" kind of way. I wonder what he makes of that. (Honestly, I wish he would wear my jacket again. Haha.)
Ninja-sempai made a joke that none of us understood. Shocked by this, he showed Daniel, Andria, and Clint a video on Google to teach them. I decided not to follow, so I continued to sit, where two guys came over and started listening to music. I talked with them a bit. I also learned Blink 182 broke up. Haha. *behind the times*

Daniel had to leave at 5, and so did Derek. I had to walk home, so I could leave at any time, but I really hate staying without Daniel, so I made 5 my leaving time too. I figured I could get a ride with Derek, sparing me the long, painful walk in the heat.
So, 5 arrived, and Derek had to go, so I got my stuff. Daniel was still over by the computers with Clint. Andria got her stuff too. I followed Derek out. Clint and Daniel were standing right by the door talking. I couldn't bring myself to look at Daniel, so I just smiled at Clint and left. >_<;
I waited for Andria, who said Clint is following, so I let Derek go ahead and then walked with Andria and Clint to the front of the school. Derek's mother was waiting for me, that was really sweet of her.
Didn't get to see Daniel one last time, but I know he was walking home. I wonder how that went, in the heat, wearing that black ninja taekwon do outfit. He has to walk father than I do, but then again, he probably has a shitton more stamina.

So, today was not a bad day. Tomorrow, we've got late entry again. Then back to normal...

Watched Lovers 5. I am seriously obsessed with this show now, and I'm mad that Megaupload makes me wait so long to download the next episode. (It's an hour in length, so the file when combined is huge, and just downloading the two parts makes me exceed the download limit.) I have to praise it for not jumping straight into the obvious relationship so quickly. Instead, we get angst, awkwardness, and fated meetings. Ohoho! I also enjoy how the show blurs out logos like Motorola on the phones. You'd think they could just digitally edit it out, or cover it with paint or something, but nope, they just blur it. And they're not even subtle about it. Oh, Korean drama television, I think we'll get along just fine. <3
Speaking of, I'm really starting to like the Korean language. It doesn't seem to flow like Japanese, but it's definitely not as hard as Chinese. <3

I am also obligated to give a big CONGRATULATIONS to Jess, for obvious reasons. :3

As for me? I'm waiting for Daniel to explain a couple of things to me. He said he would later, but that could be a week from now. So... waiting. I've got a lot of experience in that field, so it won't be that hard. Right?


chelsea says:
i am so shy.
[ VerusMaya² ] says:
you've got to fight it
chelsea says:
like a ninja
[ VerusMaya² ] says:
[ VerusMaya² ] says:
fight it like a ninja

VerusMaya II
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