(no subject)

Apr 10, 2007 20:51



Getting up at 4am (CST) was not fun, but it didn't really hit me until after 5th period. (Haha I think I was running on adrenaline of finally seeing Daniel again.)

Speaking of, nothing really worth mentioning. He asked where I was, I answered, probably said too much in effort of trying to be funny. That's one thing I really need to work on: I believe I'm quite annoying. I should keep my mouth shut.
But I digress. We were doing individual work but of course we never follow Mrs. Stovall's instructions, so Daniel ended up sitting in the seat next to mine, stealing my pens. (He wanted all the panels of his drawing to be different colors. Weird kid.) We exchanged sarcastic comments, worked on our stuff, he missed half of the new vocab notes so copied from me.
He kept coughing. Really, he hasn't sounded 100% healthy for a long while. Always has a cold or something, but today I could really tell, his voice was off slightly. So I said on the way to 6th period, he doesn't sound well. He countered with the rhetorical question of if he was ever well. See? Guy pisses me off sometimes. I'm concerned for his health and he turns it into a question of his sanity (or lack thereof). Ugh. ;-;
We had gaming club today. For some reason, it was held on a Tuesday instead of Thursday this week. So the next time I saw him was with Andria, on our way to gaming club. He stepped outside on the side of the school again, and was talking with that girl from last time, Andria's friend. I can't help but feel jealous, and yet I know it's really ridiculous.
Andria, Clint, and I went to gaming club. Daniel did not show up. I didn't see him again after that.
The club was very empty, and Clint and Andria left around 5 instead of 5:45 like normal. My mother was already planning to pick me up at 5:45 anyway, so I ended up sitting outside reading xxxHolic 6 (which I borrowed from Clint -- the same copy that he apparently loaned to Daniel), and once I finished that, just sitting there hoping something would happen. It never did. :/

I missed a lot. I've lost 2 days of work on editing my documentary for multimedia, missed notes and a quiz in biology, a test in English, the introduction of a new project in art, three packets of TAKS review in math, and notes in world geography.

And so many torrents to catch up on. Aria the Natural 22 and 23, Ryukendo 42 - 46, PRO_O 8. I'm sure more will be popping up, TV-Nihon is cranking out Ryukendo like never before. (You know, takenoko swears that they're doing the Akihabara@DEEP behind the scenes, but such a long gap between the last episode and the extra seems wrong. I guess it's just on the backbackbaaaack burner...)

So, have to shower now, and then fuss with my hair. My mother is taking Philip to court tomorrow. Yep. Court. So I'm on my own with my hair. ;-;

I feel inadequate and insignificant, yet I know that's not true. My mind just can't convince my emotions. My friends were actually very glad to have me back -- kept telling me yesterday was boring with no one to make jokes. (I've established myself as the comedian of the group.)
Yeah, really need to start working on shutting myself up... It'd probably help with Daniel, too.

VerusMaya II
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