Mahou Henshin~! Maagi Magi Magiiro!

Jul 14, 2010 18:43

Once I recover from one thing, I suffer something else. Had a lovely dentist appointment today that I had to miss most of work for. With all of the numbing stuff they used in my mouth, it actually wasn't painful at all, but once I got to work and the numbing stuff wore off... just... augh. I've been feeling nauseous, dizzy, and generally pained since then. I'm coherent enough to like, drive and stuff, but physical labor is really more taxing than usual. Hopefully this'll be over with by tomorrow or at least be significantly reduced. This weekend needs to get here already.

Of course, there's still stuff to look forward to! The Paul/Barry battle is tomorrow and I'll be up early to watch that, no doubt. Now that Nando's finally gone forever (seriously, I struggle to find what Nando and Kenny ever truly contributed to the series; Kenny gave Dawn backstory exposition, but Ursula ultimately took advantage of that rather than him), the Sinnoh League can get reeeeally really interesting. It's still a bit anxiety-inducing knowing that these awesome characters will soon be no more, because I... dunno. Don't like judging books by their cover, but Iris looks utterly batshit and the rival silhouette just makes me worry for some reason. I think that's why I've been sort of reserved in my emotions over the Gen V stuff that's been leaked out recently.

And no, I don't know if I'll get Black or White when the time comes... like several months from now. I've just sort of been "oh, okay" with the new Pokemon so far, which isn't to say I dislike them, but it's just being unusually reserved with what I would normally be excited about. It probably is just the anime. On the bright side, when Paul/Barry/Conway get written out, I'll have a lot more freedom with Trifecta's direction, even though it'll probably be like a year and a half before I even get to that point. But still... as I've said, D/P set the bar way high up and I honestly think there's mileage left in all of the D/P characters that don't suck balls (except maybe for Zoey... now that she's become Top Coordinator and all, but since Dawn's leaving it's irrelevant anyway).

But I'll enjoy them all while they're still with us. I was very surprised to learn that Conway will have Dusknoir in addition to Shuckle when it comes time for him to battle Ash. This is something I thought would be really cool but the anime would never be awesome enough to make it happen, but huzzah wtf they did. Granted, it could just be a random Dusknoir, but don't you think it's kinda funny considering a Dusknoir saved Conway's life during the Summer School arc? Of course, Conway seemed to be a bit phobic of ghosts, but it would be very awesome if he somehow conquered that phobia and captured that Dusknoir.

If the anime doesn't expand on it (and they probably won't), you bet your balls I will. Paul forcing Conway to stop being a pussy and get over his fear is just what Trifecta needs, right? Also surprising that it'll be Dusknoir who has Trick Room rather than Slowking, which makes me wonder what role Conway's signature Pokemon will play in all this... sigh, that's going to be the end of the month, too.

While I've been trying to sit out my agony, I've taken to watching one of the Super Sentai series, aka Power Rangers only not American. I'm watching Mahou Sentai Magiranger, which was given to us as Power Rangers Mystic Force. I admit I caught this series during the short time I spent at my dad's and I wasn't really blown away by it, but I did sort of take a liking to what I'm pretty sure is a pedo pairing of Mystic Blue and Solaris Knight (or Madison x Daggeron). And when I did my research I was very pleased to see that the Japanese equivalent of those two did become canon to the point where they actually got married by the end of the series. Though Madison and Urara are pretty similar characters, there's a distinct difference between Daggeron and Hikaru... namely that Hikaru's a lot hotter. The story in Magiranger also appeals to me more since this particular Sentai is made up of five siblings (and ironically the youngest is MagiRed, the leader while the comic relief is in MagiGreen, the eldest sibling) and I do love family-oriented stories if Trifecta's any indication. Mystic Force didn't go that route at all, only making Madison and Vida (Mystic Pink) siblings. And they sorta shoehorned in a forced kinda-sorta pairing of Madison and Nick (Mystic Red) which I of course disapproved of. I remember liking Vida (she totally hated the color pink, which is hilarious), but I also like Japanese equivalent Houka, who is more of what you would expect from a Pink Ranger, but is still very likable. I'm sorta tempted to get some sort of icon with Houka's "Version Up~!" gesture. Once I actually make icons again, I guess.

Anyway, what's particularly addictive about Magiranger is the ending (it really starts at 0:17; the ED's always preceded by Mandora's magical lessons). Something about that goddamned choreographed dancing and the peppy song. It also made me remember something Pokemon-related.

Some bit of irony; even though almost all of the Pokemon anime characters' names are in katakana which leaves their meanings sorta up in the air, but I so very often hear "shinji" in association with faith/hope/belief ("shinjite" being in the ED, particularly... it's also in the OP). I recall in the Edgeworth game that the first victim in the game was a dude called Buddy Faith... his original name being Shinji. And what's Paul's Japanese name again...? Oh right.

Anyway, Paul's pretty notorious for refusing to invest in that blind faith and hope and shit and it's easy for me to see why, which is why I find it pretty hilarious that his Japanese name can be interpreted as the very thing he despises. Too bad I stick to dub names, hah.

Aaaanyway... I guess that's good enough for now. Later, yo.
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