(no subject)

Jul 12, 2010 18:57

Haaaaven't been posting much lately, huh? I've been pretty miserable for a while, mostly the you-know-what that I'm just now coming off of. I finished Trifecta 14 over a week ago now and have full transcripts for both A Pyramiding Rage! and Battle Pyramid! Shinji vs Jindai!!, so I'm all set to start Trifecta 15 once I start feeling not-like-shit again. And also when I'm not totally swamped at work because I was the only clerk on hand today, so that meant all the work was piled on me. It's not necessarily torture, but it can be tedious. Especially when you're bleeding to death.

On the upside, it looks like I finally got my new health insurance card! So once I get this ordeal with my teeth done (apparently 3 years without seeing any professional about my teeth has finally caused mass decay), I'm definitely looking into ways to finally combat the crippling nature of my period. I've got almost 2k in my checking account now, and boy does it feel reassuring. These lower back pains, however, can go fuck themselves.

It's actually a little saddening going through with the Paul/Silver breakup. XD Something that needed to happen eventually, surely, but the full year's worth of their interaction even makes my evil little heart break. Even worse, my iPod just happened to land on the perfect song reflecting the jerkass' POV... too bad it's all in a woman's perspective, though that really doesn't change much, does it? The song's Endlessly, and before you say anything, yes I know. I can't help it. If I knew why the Italians had such a knack for making catchy music, I would tell you. But goddammit, they are pretty goddamn talented and this song almost perfectly reflects Paul's sentiments right now. Just replace "queen" with "king" lol and "girl" with "boy" and yeah. He actually always felt Silver would have been better off with Gold and always felt like an intruder to varying degrees, but having it said to his face pretty much set him off and he's reeeeeeeally not going to take what'll happen in the following days well, especially in conjunction with the Loveless event. But yeah, generally while Paul feels Silver's making the right choice, he can't get himself to stop loving Silver and at this point it's looking doubtful that he can make himself love somebody else; even another Silver. But this is yet another incident of Paul finally opening his heart and letting himself believe and hope again... and shortly after his life completely falls to pieces, just like it did not long after he finally opened up to Conway in the fic. So in all likelihood it's back to square one for him, which is sad in a "lol fail" way in itself. XD

Maaaan, how much more before he just tries to blow his brains out. I really do wonder. And why do I still enjoy it even with all the sadness it brings? I'm fucked up, obviously.

I'll see if I can't write more substantial things once I'm feeling better.
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