January Ends..

Jan 31, 2006 13:11

It's the last day of January, and it has been a good one.
At school, I and Karoline had a huge amount of fun.
It involved a toy car.

Practice was as usual a good experience.
At the beginner's class I went against Morten a few rounds.
Morten has improved a lot, and is getting rather good.
I also went against Kai a couple of rounds.
We did Yonkayo. Before that, I did Sankayo with the some crazy guy which name I always forget, but he is good, and he's
got lots of spirit.

At the advanced class we did a lot of bojutsu, which I really needed.
I haven't done any bojutsu since Sugino Sensei's Seminar last November.
So training was good, I hurt all over, and I'm dead tired, as I should be. :)

Oh! And I've just watched the first episode of the Musashi drama series from 2003!
I enjoyed it really much. I've got to purchase all of it from that gentleman on Ebay.

Oh, and I got a new friend yesterday, and here on Live Journal no less!
HE's a fellow bujutsuka, and HE approves of my fondness for Melon soda! Yay!

There... Now that's fixed.. heh (^_^)
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