Umm, yeah!

Jul 29, 2004 20:12

Took this from Amanda's journal because I'm bored.

-- first name: Michelle
-- middle name: Ann
-- last name: Fuck that I'm not saying my last name lol Starts with an F though lol.
-- nickname(s): Shell, Furc, Furcy,
-- birthplace: Westerly Hospital in Rhode Island
-- current location: Richmond Rhode Island
-- eye color: Hazel
-- hair color: Brown
-- height: 5’4"
-- righty or lefty: Righty
-- zodiac sign: Scorpio

-- your weakness: Don't know...
-- your fears: Snakes...ew ew ew ewww
-- your perfect pizza: Pepperoni and cheese with a think crust
-- goal you'd like to achieve: Do something with my life

-- your most overused phrase on AIM: lol (I want to say it now lol)
-- your thoughts first waking up: Damnit I want to go back to bed! Almost of sleep.
-- your bedtime: Summer- 1ish School- 10 or 11
-- your most missed memory: Having my horse =(

-- pepsi or coke: Coke all the way fucker!
-- mcdonald's or burger king: Burger King
-- single or group dates: Depends who it is
-- adidas or nike: Nike
-- lipton ice tea or nestea: Lipton
-- chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate rocks.
-- cappuccino or coffee: Ice capp is great from Tim Hortons!!!!! But other then that coffee.

-- smoke: No
-- curse: Yup
-- sing: yeah haha
-- take a shower everyday: Yeah
-- have a crush: Nope, can you believe it?!?!
-- do you think you've been in love: No, not yet.
-- like(d) high school: Yeah It's ok I guess.
-- want to get married: Yes, I really do =)
-- believe in yourself: Sometimes
-- get motion sickness: Nope
-- think you're a health freak: hahah not at all! You should see the shit I eat!
-- get along with your parent(s): Some of the time, more with my dad then my mom. Then again I don't see my dad too much so that could have something to do with it.
-- like thunderstorms: Yup! =)
-- play an instrument: My vagina, LOL JK JK JK!
in the past month... (the last 30 days)
-- drank alcohol: Yeah
-- smoked: No
-- kissed someone: No, damnit I need action!
-- had sex: No! ugh I'm horny, where is Jason Giambi when you need him!
-- gone on a date: No, I need to find a man.
-- gone to the mall?: Yes, do I ever NOT go to the mall? haha
-- eaten an entire box of Oreo’s: Nope, bet I could though lol
-- eaten sushi: Um no, and I dont think I'm going to be eating it lol
-- been on stage: No
-- been dumped: No, I dont have anyone to even dump me!
-- gone skating: No
-- made homemade cookies: Nope, I stay away from that shit.
-- gone skinny-dipping: No
-- dyed your hair: my hair is virgin ;-)
-- stolen anything: ummm Nope

-- played a game that required removal of clothing: haha holy shit yeah ::blush::
-- been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Yeah hahaha! but shhh!
-- been caught "doing something": No, Wish I was "doing something"
-- been called a tease: Oh yeah baby ;-)
-- gotten beaten up: Nah, I'm an ass kicker till the end of time!
-- changed who you were to fit in: Nope. take me or leave me. You know you want me.

-- age you hope to be married: 28 or so.
-- numbers and names of children: I want two kids.
-- describe your dream wedding: Oh man I have it planned out! But I will keep this short. Big wedding ok Lots of red roses tons of people and music and my wedding song is Lone Star- Amazed (thats REALLY REALLY short)
-- what do you want to be when you grow up: Hotel Managment, Horse Trainer, Stripper if none of that happens. Got to pay the bills and feed the two kids afte that big wedding!
-- what country would you most like to visit: Italy, meet some really hott men there ;-)

in a guy/girl...
-- best eye color: Brown/Hazel
-- best hair color: Brown
-- short or long hair: short
-- height: 5'10" would be nice, or taller!
-- best weight: Normal for how tell they are.
-- best articles of clothes: Skin baby! No, pants case they have a nice butt!
-- best first date location: Anyplace I can feed my fat face. No but a movie or something, I love movies.
-- best first kiss location: Car and or some place outside. (dont want weird shit happending in the bedroom yo)

-- # of drugs taken illegally: I dont THINK
-- # of people i could trust with my life: No one but me.
-- # of pets you have, what kinds, names: cats and shit but a horse name Remy =)
-- # of CDs that i own: Oh hell I don't know, I have a lot!
-- # of piercings: 5 in my ears. two on the bottom an my left cart. done.
-- # of tattoos: None
-- # of scars on my body: as many as the next person
-- # of things in my past that I regret: Gettin drunk and having sex with a girl. jk umm I really dont think I regret anything.

-- current Place of employement:No place.
-- what do you do there?: Sleep
-- how many other jobs have you had?: A few babysitting jobs here and there
-- what was your favorite job? None! I dont want to work! *counts days till I can retire*
-- what is your dream job?: Hmm I dont know I have a few but I dont think I'm going to say right now.

Yeah that was fun! haha peace out yo.

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